
Thursday, April 19, 2007

I haven't mentioned the whole VTech thing... it's so awful and sad... why are we (well, I) drawn to things like this? You know? Like wanting to read the updates and see the craziness of the guy... something in human nature, I guess. But not a good thing. I have opinions, of course. But they just don't really matter.
I was blown away by Pastor Mike saying something one time, like we don't have to form an opinion on everything. We can actually just say we have no opinion. Amazing. Seems like everything I hear I form some kind of opinion about. But he's right. And it's a waste of emotional energy to go around forming opinions on tons of things I have no control or even effect over.

That being said, I still do have opinions all the time about pop culture. And my opinions are right.

In other news, nothing. Well. Dishes and diapers and baths and falling down the stairs and laughing and crying and peanut butter and kisses. Good stuff. Lord, I'm tired!


  1. FRSIT!! And I'm on another continent! If it counts for Sonia, it counts for me too! I need to figure out how to sign in so I'm not "anonymous". I'll identify myself as Kerri, and I met Jess & Richy in Massachusetts. Although now I'm a missionary in Romania.

    I prefer the eggs here that I get from people in the villages. Definitely better. Now I know that yolks are supposed to be almost orange, not pale yellow.

    And for skillets, I'm a lover of a good heavy duty stainless steel. Preferably an 18/10 or higher grade. Gives you even heat distribution and doesn't hold in heat that you don't want.

    Peace ya'll

  2. hi kerri!
    over on the right, you should have a bunch of stuff including something that says,
    "no google account? sign up here"
    click on "sign up here"
    then you can be non-anonymous

    jess, who fell down the stairs?

  3. oh, and jess, i just would like to express that i'm really glad that you've continued to blog every day. even during the times when it's kind of slow around here.

    thank you

  4. @work.......LOVE you.......I am dropping off "THE TAPE".....but my cable went out last night so there is alot of snow on part two......

    Better than nothing....b there in 2 shakes of a lambs tail.

  5. Howdy! How is everyone today. I am ok I guess, fighting off sickness again, man I have been sick more since January of this year than I have been in like the last 5 years together. Anyways still working on wedding stuff, need money, please send money. No just kidding, right now working on honeymoon plan to Orlando. And yes, we are overgrown children.

  6. "I not only use all the brains that I have, but all that I can borrow." -- Woodrow Wilson

  7. jennifer,
    maybe it's something you're allergic to at the house...how long have you lived there?

  8. I have lived there for over 2 years. I am taking my flonase everyday. And I am not there very much. Just when I sleep at night.

  9. My room is dirty, maybe that is the problem.

  10. jennifer, i think you probably need to eat more eggs. then you would feel better. =) jk

  11. No, TFH has had a real serious problem with sickness this year. But we are standing in faith that it is over. God is good and can heal all people.

  12. Welcome Kerri from Romania

    Jess your blog is getting more cool everday.

    We have Sonia and Kerri.

    Man, this is cool.

  13. Where can I get these really good stainless steel skillets yall are talking about?

  14. I knew you shopped at Valero.

  15. But who can really form an opinion on mass murder? It's just sad that's all.

  16. I would recommend your nearest Valero, or Dollar General.

  17. well, heck! they have ice cream, bread and milk.

  18. If anyone is watching American Idol this year, you should know : I heart Blake Lewis

  19. Is emerilware made by the cook Emeril?

  20. I have looked at lots of skillets, emerilware is pretty good stuff. We need a restaraunt supply store.

  21. emerilware is probably made by small children on another continent.

  22. Yes to both questions, it is designed by emeril and made by small children in some far off 3rd world country.

  23. GUILT! GUILT! You hear that Jennifer. You are supporting child labor in other countries.

  24. I have shopped at vallero. Milk, bread, drinks. I get stuff at the country market in Cut-N-Shoot alot. I can't remember the last time I actually went to the real grocery store. I keep getting milk, bread and cereal at Target or the gas station.

  25. I didn't say I owned any I said it was pretty good stuff. Mine is from costco. I have no idea where it was made. Probably by iron forging hippies in California.

  26. I love that
    Iron forging hippies in California

  27. I can't remember the last time I cooked isn't that sad. Last night Mcdonalds, night before Denny's (tuesday's kids eat free) Tonight we might switch it up and go to Sonic. This could be a clue as to why I am sick. I have forsaken my healthy lifestyle and live off of fast food salad and french fries when I am tired of salad.

  28. I really got a visual on that one

  29. Doesnt eating out all the time with kids get real expensive?

  30. Yes, but I have no time anymore, and Little Ceasars sales pizza for $5 you can't beat that. Tonight we have cell group so no time to cook. When we do eat at home it is usually sandwiches.

  31. I can't wait till my life slows down, and I can pull out all those fancy stainless steel pots and pans and cook my little heart out.

  32. Tomorrow is Mike's birthday.

    He wants an amp.

    Sorry, Mike

    Maybe some new sunglasses are some really great long bbq matches.

  33. Richy is always like, we'll just share with them! Give em a couple fries or something!

  34. Wow, it is going to be great to be one of your kids when you cook, Jennifer.

  35. It sort of gives me the impression that Toby has been living on two fries for dinner for months.

  36. I must leave sorry to leave good company.


  37. No, PICKLES. I would say, what did you feed Toby? Uh, some pickles. And some olives. And 6 botttles.

  38. LOL.

    This is why he is climbing everywhere.

    Pickles and breastmilk.

  39. All my kids are way picky and so far don't like much I cook. I am learning to adjust accordingly. Looks like some boring meals in our future!

  40. no, not boring meals; exciting healthy meals! you're just the person to help them like healthy food. =)

    (leave me alone; i'm an optimist)


  41. I am actually use to one picky eater Madison. But now 3 makes it much more challenging. Sandwiches even, Madison is a cheese and mayo only, no meat. She is allergic to peanut butter so that is out. Adam likes peanut butter and jelly but will not eat cheese for anything. Aunna hates jelly, and mayo and eats ham and cheese sandwiches dry. I wish sometimes I could find at least one thing all 3 of them will eat. One day maybe...

  42. that's hilarious!

    maybe i'm just mean; but i like the idea of LEARNING to like things.......but that didn't work on me for everything, so maybe i have faulty theories.

    over and out

  43. YAY!!!! Its Friday in Tokyo!!!! Hi Kerri, nice to see another person from a different continent! ^_^

    Can we talk about snoring? My hubby woke me up at 4 am this morning bc of his loud snoring. I hit him but he keeps snoring. Any tips or suggestions?

    Oh and I am actually going to need to buy some stainless steel pots this weekend. I hope they have it at the Costco here in Tokyo.


  44. They have costco in Tokyo?

    Wow, do they have walmart too?

  45. Jennifer- You could always starve the kids until they eat what you make them.

    Sonia- You could always pour ice water on his face when he snores.

    I have solved today's blog problems in one easy post. Good day.... and you're welcome.

  46. Sonia- any comments about my post yesterday on the men's toilets in Japan?

  47. I just saw this pun:

    After Junior swallowed the watch he had to wait to pass the time.

  48. No Walmart in Japan. :(

    Josharoo - your mail toilet idea is great. Now you just have to sell the idea to the masses and make millions.

    Pouring ice water would involve me having to get out of bed. I need a way to get him to stop snoring without me getting out of bed. Any other ideas?


  49. Oops. I meant male toilet not mail toilet. LOL.

  50. Without getting out of bed? I guess you'll just have to go with a good punch in the nose.

    hmmm, not sure really.

  51. Being a snorer myself, I have this to say. There is not much you can do to him to stop the snoring. He is probably as unhappy with it as you are and unable to change it. The best thing to do is to protect yourself. Earplugs, fans, sleeping at the foot of the bed, other things to help keep the noise out of your head. Try going to sleep first, maybe after you are asleep you wont hear him.

  52. I love Josh's jokes.

  53. Now, a mail toilet is another idea...

    Have you tried Breathe-Right strips? They're supposed to stop the snoring

  54. breathe right might help TOBY!

  55. not that. I DON'T love Josh's jokes

  56. Oh, look, Honey, its our mail toilet. I knew it was coming soon...

  57. oh, look honey, its our male toilet, It is going to match so well with the female ones we have in the toilet coop. Get out the chicken wire.

  58. Nettoilet.

    We send you one, you send it back, we send you the next one on your list...

    It's as simple as that

  59. I don't like dirty jokes

  60. Still using that snail mail toilet? Try our new no hassle etoilet!

  61. Need to go fast? FedEx Toilet.

  62. Have you ever noticed that fat people get mean when they lose weight.

    I mean its almost you dont like them anymore when they start to get thin.

    Then they get fat again and they are their happy old self.

  63. its totally unfair.

  64. Airtoilets,

    When it has to be right...

  65. Frist again.


  66. speaking of toilets

    when i was a new nurse... i had to hook up the little contraption we give to new moms here in America called a "sitz bath"...

    i was not experienced with the little contraption...cheap crop of plastic bags, plastic tube, and plastic bowl that fit on the toilet seat. it's supposed to "comfort and cleanse" and "promotes healing" after childbirth/episiotomies, etc.

    Well, i put the water into the bag, hung the bag up on a hook on the wall, positioned the tubing into the bottom of the little sitz bath bowl and was going to demonstrate it to a new mom and her nosey husband who were both looking at me through the tiny hospital bathroom door...

    as they all crowded around, i leaned down over the toilet and unclamped the little clampy-thingy and a stream of water shot straight up into my eyes!@@!!!!! it really got me good too and they had a blast laughing at the dumb nurse who sprayed herself in the eyes with a sitz bath!!!


    that's my toilet story for now...

  67. now, sonia, as far as snorers...

    i've got one...and i think i bee one too

    my trick to keep my loving husband of 25+ years quiet throughout the night....

    keep him on his side!

    we now have a bedmate... a large long body pillow that i keep on one side of me or the other... and it helps keep him from rolling back onto his back....

    it really helps

    it's the back sleepers that snore!

  68. when they snore, just nudge them over and say "turn over" as you shove them ever-so-gently over...

    you ask why i'm up so late...

    i'm emailing, blogging and
    my almost 20 year old son is doing a lesson in Thai... he ordered a book to learn the language...and has just completed lesson #1.

  69. now, here's something funny, then i must surely retire for the night

    last night i was awakened by my husband's activity - he was RUNNING in bed in a supine position!!!

    not a huge run, but tiny steps running....

    never-the-less - a wake up the wife kind of running in bed..

    i asked, in a whispered voice..."what are you doing..." and he quickly replied "i'm trying to keep up with you..."

    he kept "running"...

    i finally had to say to him "calm down and stop running. it's okay... just turn over and go to sleep!"

    i guess that would be the next level of restless leg syndrome, wouldn't you say?

    your turn

  70. Well, if Mama can post here around 2:30ish am, then I most certainly can at 3ish am.

    Jess...I also heart Blake Lewis! He's the coolest evah! I'm sad Sanjaya is gone, though. I wanted him to make it one more week...past the COUNTRY (gag) week, to see how he'd do. I think he's got a lot of potential, and he's so sweet. ...but I voted about a gabillion times for mr. Blake. I'd like to see him and Jordin as the last two, with Melinda Doolittle 3rd. She's also groovy.

    Yada yada yada.

    I love hearing the stories about your little beebees! I'm so happy that babygirl is doing so well! Sounds like you have several hands full. Yay you!!

    Much love, missings, and evesdroppings/eavesdroppings...hmmm,


  71. about snoring...

    i have found (for myself) that there are a million factors, not limited to but including:
    comfort in the bed
    position (some of us shouldn't sleep on our side either)
    emotional state (if i'm stressed out or upset about something, i snore worse)
    *breathe right strips worked for me for about half a night*

  72. mama pc

    i laughed out loud for a long time. that was hilarious!

    --i'm trying to keep up with you--


  73. Mail toilets are a great place for junk mail.

    Snoring can be controlled by limiting the amount of alcohal consumption and over eating and backsleeping, and trying breath right strips.

    Jordan Melinda or the large black girl should win.

    I forgot her name....

    MamaPC....I cracked up reading your lesson on the sitz bath. I can see you in that bathroom being all serious and helpful and doing that....I bet that was so funny...and I bet the couple tell that story over and over about the day their child was born..

    I also learned that eggs have bright orange yolks. So I guess that means that all the store bought eggs are missing something...

    We are going to find out GIRL or BOY YIPPPEEE

  74. Sorry ......that was me.....not Steph...

    I am in uncharted territory...on a Mac Laptop...

    Took MADI to school and now MERCY is about to leave....

    How long to Graceson and Izzy sleep? Do I dare go in and peek at them?

    I worked so many hours the week before Mexico that I was unable to use my birthday holiday so I am using that today!

    So TODAY is the last official day of my everlasting Birthday....

    HEY RICHARD! TODAY is the last official day of the celebration of the anniversary of my BIRTH!

    How cool is that? We are going to find out who is growing in Stephanie's womb and it is also



  76. where is everyone? and where's jess? it's late!

  77. hmm...it must be that time of the year.

    all this american idol stuff's coming back.

    eggs = yum

    Mama PC - miss ya'll, haven't been over there since before Rob's recording!


    long time no post para mi.


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