
Monday, April 9, 2007

Brynn has a pediatrician appointment today. I am pretty curious to see if she has gained weight. She darn well should have... With her and Toby, the hospital's schedule would drive me nuts. They could only eat every 3 hours, and if they started crying before that, they got a pacifier. HOOEY. I taught them the joys of "demand feeding" as soon as I got them home. And both of them took full advantage of it.
So Brynn eats every hour and a half to two hours. Why shouldn't she? I eat whenever I want, you know?

The first day or so was hard. Toby was really jealous, and it made me so stressed and sad. I had this "what have I done?" feeling. And so I was freaking out a little... I mean, I really have TWO babies and it was hitting pretty hard. My mom said she had the same feeling every time she brought the new baby home.
But it's better... Toby seems to be adjusting fine... he tries to hit her in the head and poke her eyes and such, but it's more of a curiousity thing... what will this little doll do if I do this?
And R2 is thrilled. He is just so great. I think I could bring a hundred babies home and he'd be excited.

And Brynn... what a princess. She is settling in. Her spirit is at peace. I didn't realize how she was always a little tense until now, when she's so calm and relaxed. What a precious, precious baby.

Some pix and a doctor update later.


  1. The little Princess is glad to be out of the hospital......

    She is a peaceful baby and she has been born into a wonderful family.

    Toby will be fine....MOM..stop with the mommy guilt..easier said than done....

    Robert and Richard had eachother and I didn't help the situation at all by spoiling the baby Chuck rotten and expecting two three year olds to grow up instantly.

    Praise God R2 and Toby have parents with better sense than that.

    YOU have a gift...YOU and Richy both..of making each child KNOW that they are the most important person in the world.

    All of your babies will be fantastic and well rounded and loving sharing kind patient people.

    I love you Jessica........

    I am looking forward to Brynns dr. report and I know that you need to hear the DR say how well she is doing.

    How can she do otherwise.....look at the Mommy and Daddy and Brothers that she has.......


  2. 100 babies....?

    how about an even 4...

    everybody sleeping well?

  3. I prayed for riches and achieved success,

    All that I touched turned into gold. Alas!

    My cares were greater, and my peace was less

    When that wish came to pass.

    I prayed for glory; and heard my name

    Sung by sweet children and by hoary men.

    But ah! the hurts, the hurts that came with fame!

    I was not happy then.

    I prayed for love, and had my soul's desire,

    Through quivering heart and body and through brain

    There swept the flame of its devouring fire;

    And there the scars remain.

    I prayed for a contented mind. At length

    Great light upon my darkened spirit burst,

    Great peace fell on me, also, and great strength.

    Oh! had that prayer been first!

    - Ella Wheeler Wilcox, ""Answered Prayers""


    Brynn is 5lbs! Yea! She is doing just fine. I am holding her now... what a sweetie!

    We have another appt. next week, for check up. Otherwise, everything is great... She still needs to learn to eat w/o her heart slowing down... She just LOVES to eat.. like most women! - Richy

  5. oooooooooooo

    You are sooooooo grounded mr anonymus......

  6. How long do we have to wait for the pics......?

    Is "later" code for TOMORROW?


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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