
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Let me start by saying that Brynn has never really slept through the night. EVER. And she's almost 14 months old.... and before she came Toby never really slept, ever. So yeah, for 2+ years I have fed a baby about every 2 hours.
As of this writing, Bean has slept 5+ hours TWICE. That's correct. Viking Granny fixed her.
The thing is, I'm still tired. But that's preposterous! you cry. Ah, shut up. I mean, no. I just have not chosen to go to bed at an appropriate hour and thus am still tired. The end.

Last night was my support group/ home group. I was the prayer focus this week... so I got ministered to and that was a blessing. I like it when people pray for me. I mean, when I want them to. There were only 3 of us last night so it was cozy. We leave for Nashville in two weeks, and then after NVille for a month, we'll be in Texas for a few weeks. So I really only have one group left before June. And that's kinda sad. But adventures! Wahoo!


  1. oh and Happy 2nd bday to big boy Isaac on April 6th. we celebrate his partay this weekend.

  2. getting enough sleep (and water) is 60%+ of living life abundantly!

  3. where ISSSSS everyone, jess???

    yore friends are droppng like flies....

    fly droppings???


  4. Jess.
    I just read your poem from yesterday. Wow! What the heartbeat of intercession. That is SO beautiful. I am glad you could express it. Beautiful...-G

    As usual I am so proud of you

  5. i liked it too

    hi, G

    how's granny-hood???

  6. Have not seen the baby as much as Id like to, but so far things are pretty cool.-G

  7. Did all the texans remember to vote yesterday?????

  8. Sounds like VKG is working some charm on the kids.

    I've been busy working out details for transitioning to my NEW position. They let me know last week that they wanted to make me an offer. I got the offer with pay on Monday. Given that I want the job and the offer is a 20% pay raise (more than I was expecting), I accepted!! I start Monday, and will be sharing my time with my current duties for a couple weeks before I'm full-time in my new role.

  9. I feel totally blessed by this opportunity. Co-workers, managers, and relatives keep saying to me, “you deserve it” or “I knew something like this was coming for you.” One person joked, “You better have some sunglasses, cause your future’s so bright, you gotta wear shades.” A lot of people are in awe that I’m moving up so quickly.

    I know I work hard, and do an excellent job at what I do. I even came right out and told my current manager when she hired me that I consistently out perform all my peers, and they were ready to move me up before I applied for this position. But do I “deserve” it? In the light of grace, I deserve nothing. I’m just very thankful for God’s blessing and favor that I’ve had in the work place.

  10. Congratulations, Josh,
    I know that you deserve it. Sounds like a good future is ahead for Keith also-G

  11. Beth is always reminding us to drink water and go to sleep.-G

  12. i like to talk about things i can actually do somethin about like "water and sleep"

    Wow! Josh what a blessing:
    light of grace in the right place
    at the right time

  13. Jeremy is making strong efforts to be great at his new business, too! must run in the family


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