
Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I had planned to upload some videos on here today... you know what they say about plans.

Well, they say a lot of things about plans. The one I'm talking about is, "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans." That one. By the way, have I endorsed Evan Almighty on here? Because it is GREAT. I wouldn't watch it for months for fear of sacrilege, and then Richy found a Christian review and talked me into it. And I loved it. Not BRUCE Almighty- NO. Evan Almighty. I digress.

So, no video. Lots of poop and tears and things falling and being thrown. Toby has learned "MINE!" And now, Cici's. It just gets worse and worse.



  1. No tornados there I hope. We divas looked at the map to see an ice storm moving over you. You will have to hunker down?Yes? I know the tears are falling as you look for your fuzzy slippers. Wish I was there. I love ya love ya loveya

  2. Can we see pictures of the house? Inside and out?-G

  3. I have this really funny image of Mom and the Divas worrying over an image of weather on the internet. All of them crouched over pointing and frowning, concerned-G

  4. oh my, soundin' rough.
    ya, those bad days rotate & come here & there.

    Today I was trying multiple jeans on Keith; all kept sliding down, becoming a dangerous addition to his stair climbing joys. I think his belt is dirty.. wonder where I saw it last??

    Like you do with R2, I think I'm going to buy him some more overalls. This child is skinny & tall, those 24 mo/2T pants don't fit & are just long enough : )

  5. I want it to snow around here... I need the variety

  6. We got just a couple inches of snow over night last night.

  7. How about a weather widget for Conroe, TX and Everett, WA on the front page along with you KC one? Then everyone could always compare the weather in our three main blog areas.

  8. Too bad I had a very busy first day back at work yesterday & couldn't get in the political talk. Maybe later. Shannon is shopping, and I'm trying to reply to some emails while Keith watches a short Curios George right now.

  9. You mean, Momma left and you turned on the "neglectivision" so you could do what you want, right?
    That's what I do...

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. sounds like it might be getting close to the time for the friendly "rod of correction"....

    paint sticks work well

    vkg and MAMA close your ears!!!

    i used the rod a whole bunch on Lindsey and Hannah.... and look how wonderfully they turned out.... even when i got outta hand everyonceinawhile....(the Lord forgave)

    sometimes, the mama just has to take a bit of control....

    hannah used to throw herself all around when she was told "no"... and what worked best for her during the "terrible twos" was for me to actually ignore her! she actually did much better that way.

    3rd child of mine, not so many spankings.... cause he was so CUTE!
    or, he would cry and scream when he saw the ROD coming his way... and go beserk...and would not come into trusting submission... just ran!!! and cried!!! but we never got down to the heart issues... but just got mad cause HE WAS TRYING TO CONTROL the whole situation...and in exasperation, and instead of stepping back and asking God for direction, we gave in to anger... or pity.... and that did nothing but harm....

    the biggest issue with corporal punishment, aka THE ROD... is that is MUST be done in love and with Godly wisdom...or it may wound....

    but Godly discipline, chastening, SCOURGING done in God's love and way, with gentleness, can do much good work....


    my two bits

    and a bit of childrearing advice from a grandmotherly aged woman!

  12. actually, bedste and grandma are both believers in the rod... it's ME ... although Toby has convinced me of its power...

  13. G- yes, I'll put pics up of my casita... now I have some motivation to clean it.

  14. i wanna see a pic of that cute kitchen zink again!

    i saw a bubbly princess in it and just loved the tile!

  15. oh no

    i'm forever stuck in a Christmas costume, flittering back and forth in Holiday Cheer!


    The Buzzy Bee

  16. i go to my blog, to edit, and where it says "remove picture", it WON'T LET ME!@!!!!


  17. Supern8- actually, Shannon uses the TV more than I do. I'm usually the one saying I don't want him watching much TV. I just really needed to reply to an email and Keith was wanting to sit it my lap while I was at the computer.

  18. Jess- I'm dying to get pictures from Christmas. Email them to me please. Thanks, bubba.

  19. 31 degrees and dropping... come on and SNOW already

  20. We had more snow in the possible forcast last night, but didn't get any more.

  21. huckawannabe
    barak onono
    hillary sillary


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