
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The beginning of the new thing

The MOG started his IHOP class today. By the way, when I say IHOP, I mean International House of PRAYER. I wish there were pancakes involved, but alas, it was not meant to be. So anyways, this class... we were both supposed to take it, but the children's class doesn't take special needs kids. Which is lame. We are working on changing that, on a wide scale, but as of now, nope.
So the MOG will be in class the first 3 hours of the day and then in the HOP 4 hours a day. Kinda sucks to be me. Seriously though, I will need a lot of grace for this 10 weeks. I know I'll be lonely, and I hope Toby won't drive me bonkers.
I am getting a membership at the YMCA. They have a variety of adaptive sports for special guys, plus childcare whilst I do whatever I'm going to do... water aerobics, maybe. Scoff if you will, but I think doing something will help with the boredom and such.

Today, I met an online friend at a coffee shop. There is a Christian message board that I have belonged to for about 3 and a half years... deals with infertility, and pregnancy and infant loss and adoption and so on. So today I met Joyce. She has a daughter a few months older than Toby, who she adopted from Kazakstahn... the spelling is iffy there. Anyway, we met at a coffee shop at a church, where they have a playroom and we drank our heated beverages and talked. Very interesting... it's strange when you absolutely do not know someone and then there you are in person. She was nice... her daughter is a sweetie. We talked a lot of spiritual stuff, initiated by me, which is unusual because I prefer to be pretty surface with people.
Maybe I'm changing.

This was supposed to be Existensial thought Wednesday but maybe tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.


  1. IHOP - pancakes not meant to be, or maybe it is

    so great for you to initiate some new friendships/relationships - powerful stuff

    YMCA will be your IHOP. definitely need something for special needs childerens

  2. What NO Special Needs Kids? What no Pancakes.....?

    What have you gotten yourselves into?????

  3. I am so glad you met your friend. Sounds like fun for all of you! I love you so much. Mama... will call after while.

  4. there WILL be very special IHOP pancakes at the Lord's supper table in heaven - I'm sure they will taste heavenly - like nothing we have ever experienced b4


  5. Now I have Steven Curtis Chapman's song "What About the Change" stuck in my head.

    GET IT OUT!!!! GET IT OUT!!!!!!!

  6. When the children's class said they don't take special needs kids, I would've asked, "Do you think they take special needs kids in heaven?" Then looked at the floor all sad and said, "I sure hope so," and then walked away. That would've made their day!

  7. Good thing your online friend didn't turn out to a 50 year old crazy man with over active body hair growth.

  8. That's neat you planned the meeting. That would be weird to be there with someone you hardly know. That's nice you were wanting to bring up spiritual things!! When it's led of God, it feels so full of power & love, and fulfilling. ; )

  9. right after I sent that,
    this happened:

    has anyone else thought you could fit what you had left in a cup into your mouth..

    not quite

    spills over on your cheeks & lap?!!

    I did this a few weeks ago too!
    gotta quit this misjudging.

  10. shann, have you had your eyes checked lately?

    i noticed before when i needed an eye exam (or when i had my contact lenses in the wrong eyes) that i would misjudge quiet often with grocery carts and gurneys - i'd ram a stretcher with a patient slam into a wall corner as i was turning in the hospital corridors.... it was happening a lot so i checked my lenses - yes, right eyes, so then got a vision exam - i must've needed it.

    did you know that some times hormonal changes will make the eye a different shape and cause vision to be affected.... also diet can change the shape of the eye - or taking herbal products, etc.

    so, when was YOUR last eye exam???

  11. nope, i haven't done anything "quiet" in a long time...

  12. feb is almost here...

    my ebay moratorium is almost over

    i think i shall go search for some cheap red placemats... :-)

    cold here - windy

    this will be a good year for you jess.... i'm glad you're gone...


    tonight i grilled steaks and baked potatoes and corn on the cob on MY new grill... there was fire all around - but the steaks tasted good when we got beneath the charcoal, we had the potatoes for dessert and the corn was yummy...

    the aroma of burnt offerings wafted through the neighborhood and before we knew it, Ross stopped in... then Naythn R, then Jkb W... They're a bunch of conversationalists...

    J has a fever - and you know I like it when Linds and J have fevers... they talk funny and tell stories that otherwise wouldn't reveal.... so, j's been enjoyable... and hannah loves FOOD...so, we've had a good night while IIIIII did all the dishes!!!

    love you jess - have a good Thursday and have a pancake for me...

  13. Got to www.hgtv.com and click on the pink star in the upper right corner called Rate My Space. You will see Abby's nursery! It's gotten a 4 star rating and had over 11,000 hits! It's the Milo's Contemporary.

    Abby is a young friend of ours from Lubbock, TX her parents were part of our worship team in New Mexico back in the 80's! and we went to south Africa together in '91!

    she did a great job! go look at the safety pin on the wall!!!

  14. Good Morning SunShine!

    Rise and Shine..its a brand new adventure filled DAY!

  15. MamaPC,
    Milo's room is cute.
    That's interesting, a crib & changer with both white & brown!
    I'm sure she'll be having her diaper stacker closer to her changer when in use!! It's for the 'look' hanging on the crib.

    Gotta have diapers reachable for being near the baby. : )

    That's a nice low window seat!

  16. last eye exam=last april or may
    Although I was wearing glasses due for change. I get new contact lenses every year & glasses every other. . I may start getting new glasses every year now!

    I've been drinking raspberry leaf tea, good for women's reproductive system.


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