
Wednesday, January 23, 2008


My boys like to eat. Not my husband. He uses food for fuel. But my sons.... they know how to go to the trough.
I've been giving them cereal for break-tiss, but they are hungry again in 15 minutes. So today I did a big breakfast with french toast and bacon and such. Inhaled. Maybe an hour before I'm getting the "eat" sign from R2. (Sigh)

Eating out is getting expensive... no sharing plates with us, they eat it all. So we have started going to Cici's for our out-to-eat. You have to understand, I have always hated Cicis. Use the name as a curse and so on. But Toby the Vaccuum is free, and the rest of us are like 3 or 4 bucks. Nobody counts Carseat Bean, she just eats crusts, anyway. It is HILARIOUS to watch them eat. They put away probably 5-7 slices of pizza each. And then dessert. (oh, and on a side note, Cici's has awesome cinnamon rolls. Who'da thunk?)

I've been making big pots o' stuff meals, chili and beans and rice and such. And we're finishing them off. This is so funny...

Anyway, these little dollar pizzas, tony's or tonitos or something. They have been eating half a pizza each. So today I am experimenting with giving them an entire pizza each. Currently, Toby has pretty much just crust left and Richy has about a slice and a half. Awesome.


  1. brace yourself jess!! my son at age 18-19 before he moved out on his own was eating 1/2 lb. of expensive deli lunchmeat on each of his 2-3 sandwiches every day!! little boys appetites dont decrease, they only grow along with their bodies!! i was spendin a fortune feeding my "little boy"! but take heart and feed them good "brain food" so they can grow up, succeed, and buy "your" groceries in your old age!! LOL

  2. try adding more protein to their diets
    eggs, fish, chicken, etc.
    it'll stick to their ribs
    cereal & french toast burn up too fast
    more protein might add another 1/2 to 1 hour before they want 'more, please'

  3. Cal Stanley could drink a half gallon of milk a day. Get ready. Love yalove yaloveya. Mama

  4. Do they say please???????


  5. ok,so maybe the 'ol tig should start using the 'ol english language from now on,huh?

  6. no tig, you're quite entertaining....

    hi, jess

    good night all, and lsta

    unless the usual lsat'er beats me to alst...

    (that would be n8)

    good night

  7. AI was entertaining last night, don't ya think? In a way, i envy the kind of confidence that can stand up on national television and tell those three people, "I have a BEAUTIFUL voice!" right after they've been completely dogged on the same national t.v. Then again, it might just be really die hard pride, which i don't envy.

  8. Man! I guess I was lucky in having mostly girls, although we were running over 250.00 every two weeks in groceries when they were all home.-G 5-7 pieces of pizza? That is like a man!

  9. I guess this means they will growing soon.-G

  10. Yeah, Tig, use english. And get rid of that silly moustache.

  11. -G in reference to last comment

  12. Have you ever had one of those moments when you have to decide if something is demonic or just some kind of off center physics?-G

  13. This decision came to me one night when I was at a meeting and spending the night in a catholic retreat place. I had a little box fan that I set on the floor to cool me off at night. The floor was tile and cold. I turned the fan on and it literally walked to the door. I tried it again and again, same results. I decided for the sake of my sanity it was physics gone amuck, stuck it up against the other bed and went to read the biography of Bob Dylan ( the prophet) Their words not mine.-G

  14. Andy started us on powdered milk several years ago because of the amount they can drink around here too
    now that John is a Borden man, we should have plenty of supplies for a while


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