
Friday, January 25, 2008

Today, as I was driving home from the airport (the MOG is going to lead worship at this), Mama called me.
"Are you okay?" she asked.
I assured her that I was fine, figuring out everything as well as trying to drive home from the airport, which is pretty tricky in the land of 1000 freeways.
"Some of your existensial statements are alarming the family..." she says. MUAHAHAHA

Hey! Can't a girl be deep sometimes? I mean day in and day out, I'm cold, went to the library, Toby was bad... is that interesting reading?

Seriously, though. I'm good. I'm growing. I think I'll try some things I've never tried... like navigating an unfamilar city, or working out... or making friends by my own initiative. I think I'll develop a prayer life, and start writing beyond this blog. I want to be MORE. Existensial... deep, whatever. I'll still write a lot of fluff, because I enjoy writing fluff. But on a dark day, if I write that I am alone and afraid, hey! It's all good. I'm just talking about what's always been there.

In other news, it's just me and the wee folk this weekend... doubt we're going anywhere. Because it's cold and Toby is adventurous, vocal and persistent.


  1. This is all good news. I feel better now!

  2. Izz all good, yo.

    Gather any clues from my name change????

  3. Yes! it was me, the cow, who said I feel better now, in case you didn't know.

    Josh! is Jeremy ....?????? oh my gosh!


  4. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeep! They called us last night. Mere should be about 3 weeks along, due mid to late September.

  5. WOW! That is so wonderful! I bet they are thrilled. That is going to be a great little kid.

  6. Yeah for Josh! and Jeremy and Mere! What a blessing and Keith will have cousins_G

  7. I don't care if you get existential and I start to think you are some great writer from the 1890's who doesn't care that everyone thinks he thinks to much and writes too little or something like that. Write on sister. That's right Depress me I need it. After all it is feeling that I am not the only one that has thought those things or wrote them or said them that makes us relax in who we are and believe that it is the author and finisher of our faith that is responsible to make us different.

  8. I guess you could tell that that was me -G

  9. have a wonderfully wonderful weekend jess....

    thank you for sharing and just being you... and letting us get a glimpse of what's in there...

    we like you


    congrats to Mere and Jere!!!

    another note - John's niece from WF called again is needing a place to live and to get away from where she is - pray for SCC - 38 yrs old


  10. nate? you in CaliforNighaye??? say "hullo" to my dotter Hann

    I'm making Fajitas on the grill! Frist time!!!

    Pappy will be home around 8 from his part time job... I miss him....

    on a good note... Jpeg and I worked TOGETHER in the front yard for several hours this afternoon and enjoyed raking leaves, bagging them, planting some foliage and flowers in the front naked bed and covering the naked soil with some mulch-type stuff! it was the best time we've had TOGETHER in months, I do believe. Miracles do happen!

    Oh, and we listened to music together!!! HIS music!!!

    I thank the Lord for His grace and mercy and work in our lives...

    What's going on with you?

  11. That's great that you and Jpeg got to spend some time together!

    I’m sitting here listening to Chris Tomlin and playing with Keith, with a fire going in the fire place. Shannon is doing some straightening up that she's wanted to do for a while.

    We had five minutes of snow this afternoon... bummer it didn't continue, BUT with this forecast, we should have some good snow soon.

    If you haven’t seen my recent pics and vids, go here.

  12. Josh and Shannon -

    i thought the video where Keith was trying to push Daddy's head was HILARIOUS!

    glad you have a camera again - and - that you got $500 back from the airport people....

    love you guys!

    the peeps got back from Africa yesterday and they looked beautiful and popping at the seams with all their beautiful stories!!! I'm sure vkg will post pictures here soon for us all to see! I'm glad I'm in your circle....

    bethc - good stories I'm hearing in regard to your son#2.... we talk at time and i've been praying for him - so has pappy The Lord is Faithful!!!! Yahoo!!!

    happy - enjoyed lunch with you today....

    i suppose Radies will be home soon - not sure of the time schedule - Han never tells us much... :-) Fri night, Pappy and I were shopping (first time I've shopped for groceries,etc since prior to our move end of Oct so the bill was very very extremely high!!! hey, we needed EVERYTHING!) and while we shopped, something was said about Hannah being in Cali and John said "I didn't know she was in California..." What a fast paced life we all live...

    On another note... Linds and Bri started their pre-marital counseling last week.... (Pappy said that they needed to complete a course like that prior to setting a wedding date and they agreed to it).... so, we shall keep our calendars open for the rest of the year....

    see y'all tomorow! love!

  13. Hey guys and gals,
    I hope everyone had a good weekend! That is so exciting about Jeremy and Meridith!

    Jess you are not alone, I am in the same place. I feel sometimes like I have to start all over. And who wants to start all over! I am a little lonely too. Matt left Thursday for Maryland, goes to New York tommorow and then beyond. I don't know where all he is going just that he will be gone for probably 3 weeks.

    And I just found out this week that I am anemic and hypoglocemic. So its iron suppliments and a strict diet for me. Total bummer.

  14. I miss you! oh and I'm reading your blogs....are your feet warmer?


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