
Monday, January 28, 2008

Miss me? We had a fun day out ... grocery shopping and such, buying locks galore to keep Toby in the house.
So I'll blog forizzle tomorrow.
In the meantime, check this out! A Viking goes to Africa


  1. thanks, bob. by the way, the bbq is great here.

  2. Good to know you're still breathing.

    We had 4 inches of snow last night and are expecting 3 more inches tonight. That is the exciting news here.

  3. that's a lot of snowwwwwww!

    what's fbtig saying up there?

    jennifer, i'm sorry you're anemic... keep that food going IN and so what if you gain a bit much.... eat for that baby! and for the other kidds....

    hey, are you on the missouri side? i can't remember (and i cannot find your address in my purse - but I will! i will!)

    i think that is one of the places where Pappy JC and I fell a bit further in love - and neither of the other one of us knew what the other one of us was thinking....

    we walked downtown on brick streets, and i took his arm, and we "strolled together at sunset" feeling like nothing else in the world mattered.... of course, we weren't "together". He was too old for me.... too serious.... too propah.... and i was too young for him..... too silly..... too funny.... but, we had a twinkle in our eyes for one another and it had to wait 2 more years before it was time....

    sometimes it takes time to get somewhere

    walk walk walk
    ..... pace pace pace
    ...... climb climb climb
    ....... wait wait wait
    ........ reach reach reach

    then "you are here" on that journey....

    and you begin again at the start

    walk walk walk
    ..... pace pace pace
    ...... climb climb climb
    ....... wait wait wait
    ........ reach reach reach

  4. what's the definition of a "commint"

    a mint made in a communist country??? perhaps???

  5. Thanks Pam,
    But that weight gain thing is a little scary. I am 4 months now and so far have only gained 5lbs. But I was so sick the first 3 months I couldn't eat anything. It would help if I hadn't gained so much weight right before I got pregnant. You know I am not so young anymore, I know after this baby loosing weight will be a struggle. But I am going to do what is best for the baby, so don't worry.

    Will Y'all please pray for Matt. He is having a hard time being gone on this trip and things are not going the way the are suppose to. They have had tons of problems, there truck broke down, locations not ready. So he has been gone for 6 days already and hasn't made near the money he was suppose and he is getting frustrated. Right now he is stuck at Woodstock waiting to here if they are going to head home or try to finish the other 3 banks they are suppose to install. I do believe his faith is being tested. He is trying to stay positive because he truly feels he is doing what God told him too. So please pray! Thank you!

  6. ok - will pray
    The Lord's Will be done... amen...in Jesus' Name

    The most Holy Name of all


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