
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Do you really care to know what I'm doing?

Currently, Toby is busting a jam on the keyboard. If you don't speak ebonics, especially early 90's ebonics, I mean he is playing the keyboard... or electric piano, if you will. My preference would be that he be in his bed sound asleep. But, you can't always get what you want.
So no nap. Evening meltdown predicted for 5 pm.

It's cold here. Broken record, I know. But today I just want to sit on the couch with a blanket and a stack of library books... and I have, several times. Then somebody falls down, or takes off their diaper, or in Bean's case, whimpers quietly, and I'm up again... did the dishes. So that was productive. Oh, and I conquered Laundry Hill. From the couch. Laundry Mountain is untouched... the plan is to fold tonight during American Idol, and put away during commercials. We shall see. I have less than stellar faith in my resolutions.

So that's it. Booooring. And yet, cozy. Later.


  1. and roo, after researching options for multiple weather widgets, I vote no. Better luck next time.

  2. Keith is currently roaming in his mostly dark room, occasionally moving toys. I'm wanting him asleep too. So we don't repeat previous days where I must wake him to go to chiro. as he cries. I hate waking him, it's so sad to cut his nap when he's tired. Also sometimes move my appt. ugg. little precious likes to play more than understand the need for sleep.

  3. It is raining and cold here. I am a diva for now and am just checking in to see if toby is being good.
    I actually found a very unusual night light at RtoR. It is in the image of a colorful peacock fashioned as a stained glass Tiffany piece with a little light bulb underneath. His little wings are bright red and he has a jaunty little plume on his head. It keeps me from falling headlong into the common obstacle course of an evening as I head for my nightly break around 3 AM.

    The only thang is his little eyes light up red and he just sits there on my chester drawers looking either demonic or just weird depending on my state of mind at 3 AM. I know he probably originally cost many dollars and I like stained glass, but I vaccilate on my feelings toward him. I find myself asking myself is this neccessary? and wondering how he left his former family. My imagination runs amuck. When morning comes I find him to be a friendly guardian and turn off his little light bulb. Oh well, $2.80 shot to heck.

  4. That was me,mama, about the peacock.

  5. i recot-nized you, mama... that sounds like a good buy.

  6. yeah. I also got a swag with pink roses to go with the bird.mama

  7. Georgia is keeping all the bargain hunters happy in Bedstes absence.

  8. i also got a wonderful garlic roaster in case I ever need to roast some garlic.mama

  9. Guess I better check out we have a prayer meeting at 6 I need to get to. Also the conference in Feb is on the 16th so I could come just about any weekend but that one. Love you love you love you, mama.

  10. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.....K!So ya' gotyaseff a tuff day,uh kid?Well' jus lemme sha'ah wit'ya a lil' sumpin' 'bout hoahd times deah.How would yoose likes it if'n a big o'ergrown rich spoiled"Safari dude" was affah 'YO striped butt while u was a gatherin'some luscious rhino 'fo yo lil tigahs,man,and dat was a good day,so stop 'yo silly meowin 'cuz you bees a gettin mamacat anyhow.(jus thinkin' bout ya!)

  11. No on the weather widgets? *#%$@**!

  12. well, i plummeted and actually took a peek at AI tonight - coerced by a J.mATh who was over visiting.... he said it was for laughs.... anyway, i felt SORRY for all those people - WHO LETS THEM ON THERE ANYWAY???? sad sad sad and waste of airtime...

  13. oh mamapc, you're so severe....

    i didn't watch it last night, but i think some of those people know that they won't get picked, but it's worth it to them to get on for that moment. the little asian man last week with the crazy costume who "sang" his original composition----he was incredible. He had a message of hope and peace and harmony. He couldn't sing, and they would NEVER pick him, but he had his moment, and i think he was happy about it.

    Others.....well, some people require painful reality checks......sadly


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