
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Baby I got your number

Anybody need a Kansas City phonebook? No? Okay. Because I have at least EIGHT. Maybe 10. And they keep delivering them. Fat ones, skinny ones, some as big as your head...
Surely no one needs this many phone books.. is there a lot of competition in the Yellow Pages market? For FREE phone books? I am a little befuddled. Also perplexed and discombobulated.
Another irony about this situation is my COMPLETE unlikeliness to use the phone at all. Today I had to use it to work on R2's medical stuff. And it was in the basement. With the MOG. I haven't used the real phone since we moved here, evidently. I do have my cell phone, but that is primarily for texting. Duh.

Speaking of Duh, did anyone watch American Idol last night? I love this show. This is the meanest part, so if you have compassion and all that (wuss) then wait a couple weeks till they weed out the psychos and then it is more about good singing. But now, it's psycho time. I do love me some psychos when they aren't prophesying over me in a parking lot or asking to hold my baby. Good ol TV psychos with Princess Leia costumes and strange song choices... that's good TV.

In other news, it is supposed to snow tonight. We'll see. I have become jaded since it hasn't snowed here since the week we moved in.


  1. Didn't you just love the guy dressed like Jabba the hut who got his chest waxed, and tried to sing "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me". I was trying to eat at the time. It was disturbing.

  2. That guy was dressed like Leia, SLAVE Leia in Jabba's court. Yikes.

  3. who uses a phone book anyways. I mean we have



    and why call most places when you can take care of business over the net...

    you can buy clothes, order pizza, pay bills, get insurance quotes watch movies,play poker... yata yata!


    if you like american idol... you should check out so you think you can dance.. ha ha so funny

    Crystal D.

  4. Asta LaVista BABY!

    Leaving for Uganda TODAY!

    Cut n Shoot

    Thanks for the Prayer coverage

    This is so exciting..

    We will not come back the same people.

    Everyone has given me the name and sponser given number of their child so I can say hello and hug them ........

    I may not remember each number, but I can promise to hug each and every child I come in contact with.

    This is so great and God is so good.

    23 hours in the air and 12 hours on the ground......through the jungle....

    Even there.......God sees them and set them apart, and joined them up with our body way over here.

    Isn't that too kool?

    What an awesome Father Daddy Lord God Almighty!

  5. YES! Yes Yes!

    Most of them will be hearing the Gospel for the first time.


  6. Have fun VKG. Enjoy your wild motorcycle ride!

  7. happy bday to mama yesterday

    wow, first look at the prayer warrior little jennmatt baby!

    Uganda tripsters, hedge of protection and wonderful experiences. cya in 10 days

    phonebooks r like dictionaries in some ways. light reading, and you can get to know your neighborhood/community/city

    AI - truly entertaining as long as you have the mute button ready as needed.

  8. Seeing the kids in Uganda would be a neat things! God loves all those little people. Praying that their little eyes are opened to see that their creator has a great plan for their lives.

    Phone books- We have often laughed at the number of massive phone books we get every time we move. I pick them up and take them straight to the recycle bin. We don’t even open them once. I have most numbers I need in my cell phone, and I’m always around an internet connection. Some much waste. They should just send you a card saying to call a phone number if you want books, then you can pick just the ones you want. So if you just want a local one, that’s what you get. But then the phone company couldn’t charge as much for the advertisements because I bet less than 50% of people would request a phone book.

  9. discombobulated is such a great word.

  10. discombobulated is such a great word.

  11. You are my brother! Best friends forEVER!.... everybody now...

  12. i was more disturbed when Steph yelled:

    "Mercy get off the computer and get over her now!.. its faimly american Idol time!"

    how low have we sunk? how far have we gone?

    we need some better activities.

  13. I think that poor guy had some mental issues! But I liked his outfit!.

    When I hear the word discombobulated I picture a bobble head that has been ripped from his body. Don't ask me why.

  14. arb- that is truely sad = (

    Jennifer- that’s quite a visual you have there. I’m glad you’re not into voodoo; you’d be ripping heads off people.

    To my surprise, discombobulated is actually in the dictionary. Check it.

  15. I worked 10.5 hours yesterday. No overtime is allowed, so I ‘have to’ leave early today at 2:00. That would be in approximately 7.5 minutes.


  17. Say,man--Y it gossabee discomBOBulate?!Y it caint bees discomJESSulate,or discomRICHulate?Do mah peeps be plottin' on mee?


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