
Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Here's the little weekend update... the plan was to drive to Cincinnati in the evening to avoid all the visual stimulation for R2, which we are considering might be a trigger for seizures. So we planned on leaving at 3 pm and driving for 9 hours. But really, it was more like 4 when we finally got on the road and then it took 10 hours. Which sounds insane, but it really wasn't that bad. Except I hate McDonalds now.
So we got to the hotel at 2 or 3 or something insane- 3 because of the time change. Since Toby had a nice nap from 9 or so, he was cheery and awake and very excited about everything. Until 5:30. Then he got up around 9-ish ready for the new day. The Call started at 10 but that was not do-able... Daddy moves a little slow in the morning, and R2 makes him look fast.

Eventually we got to the Call, and stayed for 7 hours. It was awesome, it always is. This one was focused a lot on the African-American issues and abortion and such. After 7 hours, my arms and my brain were tired... we probably could have stuck it out the remaining 5 hours, but me and the wee folk went back to the hotel. Where I watched about 5 minutes of the webstream before Toby tripped over the power cord and broke it off in the laptop. So that was the end of that. Maybe the end of that laptop, too. Time will tell.

Sunday we slept in till 8:30. Thanks, Toby. He and I snuck out of the room with him in his Spidey PJs and his stick-up hair. Everybody in the breakfast room was admiring him. What a cutie. He talked through half a waffle, several strips of bacon, eggs, froot loops and some yogurt. And some OJ. I don't know if he would have ever stopped, but you know, I did.

Then Sunday we drove home, used a gift card at Olive Garden... yesssss. And got home by midnight-ish. It was a good trip and a fun one and our first family vacation, technically. So there you go.

In other news, American Idol starts tonight. Time to find the rabbit ears in the garage.


  1. Are your computers still down? Or are you still working off the I phone? Regardless, I am glad to be able to communicate here.I am in divadom but will keep an eye on the blog.
    Glad your trip went well. Have you got your sewing set up yet? I'll check back later, love you , MAMA

  2. I am on my laptop... we journied and found an Apple store last night, so we are back in bizness.

    Haven't set up my sewing stuff yet, there's no room for it in the guest room yet.

  3. So it is bidness as usural. i am sentimental too, Bick.Mama

  4. eewwww!!lookey heah dat bad 'ol vikin' dun took mah sistah and runned offf to da boifplace 'o jesse james!

  5. Ah tink dat mebbe,jus'mebbe ah will gets mah motahsickle buddies 'an scram ta k.c.!teach dat dude a lesson!

  6. uh-oh!lookee yondah come da mayo police!(ah gots 'ta go!)

  7. oh mY! who is that masked strange-er???

    and who are the Mayo pole-eece???

  8. jess, have you given out your street address to anyone? or are you remaining with unused snail-mail box there in KC?

    shoot it to me!

  9. sorry can't remember passwords and such...


    (its me Crystal D.) :-)

  10. my snail mail is pretty lonely, mpc... I'll email you the address

  11. American Idol last night was pretty funny. As usual there where some real scary ones!

    So Jess, are y'all going to be getting part of that big cold blast that is coming? Matt has been in PA and he was freezing.He is in Kentucky today and about to head home. They are really glad to be leaving because tonight is suppose to be bad. It probably doesn't help that he has a bad cold. But he has been gone since Saturday, and I will be really glad to see him tommorow.

  12. On a different note. I had my first ultrasound on Friday. They could not tell the sex of the baby because of the position he was in. And we couldn't get him to move enough. The funny thing was the ultrasound tech said she had never seen a baby that small sit like that. He was sitting straight up on his knees, he had one hand raised in the air, and his mouth never stopped moving. We just assumed he is praying already. I guess girl or boy, they have the intercession gene already. Hopefully next time they will be able to tell if its a boy or a girl!!

  13. its a magical leopluradon...

  14. yo, yo, yo,

    A praying baby in the womb = awesome!


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