
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I've got a fun little house video to put up here, waiting for it to load onto Photobucket so I can load it over here. Anyways.

Registered to vote in Missouri today, hopefully we're good to be able to vote in the February primary. Soon we have to go over to the DPS or whatever it's called here and change our licenses. Isn't that weird?

So okay, back with the video eventually.


  1. hey nonny nonny and a cha cha cha.I am thinking of you going about KC with your small tribe, making yourself familiar with the insides of WM. Hope there will be some snow to make ice cream for my little buddies. Try using a little canned milk and sugar or sweetened condensed milk, just enough to make it yummy. We are having 80 degree weather here, the trees are revolting from the confusion and dumping massive quantities of pollen on the unsuspecting citizens, causing them to wuffle, achoo and snort. I luv ya luv ya luv ya...MAMA

  2. I luv ya as well... Video is UP!

  3. and pix for the non-video getters... over HERE

  4. Looks familiar...missing you guys!

  5. jess for prez & bean will become first bean

  6. velly velly nice!

    i liked the tour

    looks like a very cute abode
    with a nice basement as well!

  7. MAN! i had to WORK again this afternoon!!!

    they called every nurse out of the woodwork to go help in the Emergency Dept... i couldn't figure out whether there was an accident or explosion or epidemic and no one was talking... just giving assignments and asking for help... there were patients on stretchers in all the halls of the ER... it was very very full... helicopters were flying in and out earlier this afternoon... so we wondered..... but, it was not anything specific.... just a lot of sick people all coming in at the same time! and St.Lukes and Herman The Woods also were FULL and on Divert Status....(which means that if there was an ambulance headed our way, it would be diverted to a hospital further south..) quite exciting!!!

    so, I have learned my lesson and shall take a pair of tennis shoes to work with me from now on....

    oh, and with the population aging - all the baby boomers are becoming OLD... it is very important that we get more people trained in as nurses before it's too late and there aren't enough to go around...

    there already is a nursing shortage....and when the old people start getting really old and living forever, we're gonna need some of you younguns to help take care of us all....

    get an R.N. LICENSE! it's worth the education AND you are needed!!! plus 6 weeks paid time off after ONE YEAR! great salaries... plus benefits beyond measure!!!


  8. i vote 4 mamapc for prez!

    go mamapc!

  9. I love the house! And wow, you must be up north if you actually have a real live basement!

    More baby videos, please!


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