Oh good, they're sick
Yesterday, the screaming. Oy. It began in the morning and you can fill in the rest. All day long with the fevers, and...
+Yesterday, the screaming. Oy. It began in the morning and you can fill in the rest. All day long with the fevers, and...
+A bevy of dancer-types have descended on us from heaven this week. Actually, they technically ascended on us from Texas, but the heaven/Texas...
+Today is Toby's 4th birthday. 4 years ago, when they put him in my arms, it was like a sharp ridge of light...
+I know, I know. You deserve a blog. A real, honest to goodness humdinger of an upper of a blog post. But I've...
+Today I had to ground my 3 year old from Google. He figured out how to type things in there, in an attempt...
+I've been trying for a while now to write about this abortion supercenter being built in Houston, and I don't have the words....
+Anonymous said... Sp, Who is the sappiest Christian Fiction writer?-G It’s a tricky question, dear reader. By “sappy” do you mean gushy, romantic...
+Zero fiction today. Here's the deal. I started writing this story, and I loved the first couple of weeks, and then I started...
+It snowed last night. I'm almost 2 years into my Kansas City residency now, and I am still all verklempt about snow. I...
+A debate has been raging on one of the message boards I belong to... well, raging is a vast overstatement. It is simmering....
+And if the dishtowel is made wet, how does it then serve its purpose? For the dishtowel is the drier of the hands,...
+A month or two ago, I committed a crime. I drove my van without the proper registration. (see: owing Missouri property taxes and...
+Now, I don't know if you've noticed, but traffic is down here on the ol' blog. Most days, I still get about the...
+When I last left you, 35 seconds ago, I had made glancing reference to a plan to buy a Christmas tree. Now, I...
+The thing about going on trips is, somehow we always come home to a house with no clean clothes and all the groceries...
+Story archives here. You have to scroll down to the bottom for the beginning if you want to read in order. Now, if...
+I am safely nestled in the womb of the second largest state in the Union. Actually, let's face it. Nobody counts Alaska. I...
+I have to cook a turkey. Not right now. Well, basically right now but I'll get to that. The deal is, we are...
+Some months ago, I went to the free dental clinic. You might remember the story. Actually, I went twice, but I don't think...
+Over the last week or several days, we have been experiencing a real move of God here at IHOP. I won't try to...
+All right, I'll post something. In fact, I would have anyway, because I like writing stuff. But a good empty threat now and...
+Oh, what's that? I owe you a blog? Well, maybe you owe me some comments! See, see how it's gonna be? All right...
+I feel the need to explain, right up front, that the shirtless picture of the boys in the post below was a joke....
+I am riding in a van. It’s what I’ve been doing for 2 weeks, and will be doing for another week. I sit...
+To call it a rock would be an understatement, a mountain an exaggeration. It was a giant rock hill, with a natural arch....
+Driving to New Mexico today. We'll make it to Gallup tonight and then the rest of the way to Tucumcari tomorrow. I miss...
+I mentioned the other day that I might get nauseated. The context was, if I eat Hot Fries, then I will feel sick....
+Ideally for you, my lurking blog readers, I would update daily. Sometimes that ain’t possible due to our host homes being, in general,...