
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What could go wrong?

All right, I'll post something. In fact, I would have anyway, because I like writing stuff. But a good empty threat now and again won't hurt you.

Did you know that every time I make universal statements like that, I think of how it could hurt you or whatever? There's a skeptic inside my brain. You probably want more examples. Okay. Like, let's say I say, "The worst thing that could happen is we waste 5 bucks." but inside my head I'm thinking, it would be much worse to be impaled on something, or spontaneously combust. How's that for an example?

The point is, you can't rule out an empty threat from harming you. There are just no guarantees in this life.

Last night the MOG and I went out to celebrate both of our birthdays, since we were on tour during the actual birth-days this year. We ate Chinese food and entertained the waiter, and then we walked over to Barnes and Noble to buy ourselves gifts from ourselves. I wanted a new Lisa Samson book, but they would have had to order it, and I'm not about delayed gratification.

I ended up in my second bookstore haunt, which is the books about writing. I'm more of a reader about writing than a writer. I stood there looking at them all, and getting pretty frustrated with myself. In the end, I bought The Idiots Guide to Writing a Novel and some hot chocolate. One step closer to reading about how to write!

Worst case scenario, I am eaten by wolves prior to writing my novel.


  1. that is a worse case scenerio!

  2. It might be much worse to die by being forced to read british culinary works from the 1300's.

  3. while being eaten by wolves. True.


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