
Thursday, November 5, 2009

I feel the need to explain, right up front, that the shirtless picture of the boys in the post below was a joke. No one would dare ride in such condition in our van, ever. They would develop frostbite and die. Charisma Mag would report "Up and coming worship band holds the faith after tragic loss of multiple team members to hypothermia" as well as the editorial about "Damned: could it have been judgment for all the dam jokes?"

Anyways, that disclaimer aside, I set my face to yesterday. We did a youth service, which was an hour, start to finish. After 10 years of this kinda thing, we are able to adapt the service to pretty much any model, even though sometimes You Are Holy by itself takes the better part of an hour. We did 30ish minutes of worship and then we lined up to give prophetic words. If you aren't really all up into the prophetic and whatnot, basically we pray for people, encouraging things. Sometimes God tells us stuff about people, and we pray encouraging things about what God told us, and usually it's right on. It's a faith-stretcher for us, and great for them.

So last night we did some of that, and then we prayed for healing. If you don't roll with all this, then hey! maybe you should. So far I talked about God reading your mail in a good way and then healing your injuries... does that sound like a bad thing? ;) Anyways, a lot of kids got healed. 15 or so said they were completely healed, most of sports injuries, ankles, ACL tears, one jammed/broken femur. Healing is my favorite. I would love to see people healed every day of my life.

After that, we did an acoustic lo-fi service for their college group, and then hit Fridays... I heart food.

In other news: Today is Richy and Rob's birthday! 32 years old... somewhere in this year, Richy and I will have spent half our lives together.

In other, other news, Hannah has a boyfriend. You're gonna love him.


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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