
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Riding in vans with boys (and Hannah)


I am riding in a van. It’s what I’ve been doing for 2 weeks, and will be doing for another week. I sit in the back left corner in a pile of blankets, generally. Occasionally I am thrown out by a tall person needing to sleep or by Richy claiming the good corner and putting me over to the right, which is sunnier.

My row tends to be a little personalized. It’s not something I do on purpose. I just sit in my corner, and I get my Bible out, and then I set it over here. Then I put on some makeup and some earrings, and I put my “bling box” on the floor by my feet. Type a blog, set my laptop over here. And so on. By the time somebody else wants to sit back here, it’s like a snakeskin lounge with a disco ball.

Last night we were in Tucumcari, New Mexico, at a cowboy church. It was a relief to let our accents out for a run. I haven’t been doing a lot of recapping the services, since we’ve been running into more hosts that read this blog… :)

Every service is beautiful. We’ve never had a dud. God meets people and lives are changed, every night. It’s the best job in the world hands down, well, next to motherhood, that is.

Today we drive 8 or 9 hours to Fort Worth, where we will probably do our second fastest setup in the world of the history and then play tonight. Matt and Nate’s families will be meeting us there and traveling with for the next 3 events. I have to wait till Friday afternoon for my munchkins. All hail Viking Granny who has almost completed 3 weeks of solo parenting my children!


  1. Is it hot in the VAN or is everyone compairing muscles and hairy chests? You are so close Jess.... wow... your babies are going to be so happy to see their mommy and daddy... all three are down for naps and pretend naps so Bedste is also very happy. We played hard this morning in the mud, ate lunch and now down time. Love you!

  2. love you baby daughter! Mama

  3. When the children first got here, I was so sick. They had left all of their snacks at Grandmas house. It was about a week or more before I thought to ask Steph to fetch them for us.

    I joke around with the grandkids all the time. When Toby first got to my house... after a couple of days he asked me... "Bedste, where are all my snacks?" I said "I ate them all!"

    Tobias got a lump in his throat and his bottom lip stuck out and in a very trembling voice he said "That's ok Bedste"

    It was so precious.... of course I hugged him and told him that I was just kidding..

    But I heard him refer to me eating all of his snacks a couple days ago so obviously it was such a big deal that this is going to be one of those things that he will have to seek counsel on or deal with in "issues"


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