
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Houston, here we come.

I've been trying for a while now to write about this abortion supercenter being built in Houston, and I don't have the words. Go to this site and read, and mobilize and BE there on January 17th and 18th.

We are getting ready to be in Texas for most of the month of January, preparing and praying for this march and holding meetings around the Houston area. Watch this video and get the burden. (the vid is kid-safe, there are no aborted babies or anything, just valuable info)

In related news, we are planning to rent an extended stay hotel or apartment for the month of January in the Woodlands or maybe Houston area. I know we have lots of people we could stay with, but with three kids and the intensity of the schedule, it will be easiest to be on our own. If you know of a good short-term housing deal, whether hotels or apartments (or how to find them), let me know.


  1. i think these videos have been just as shocking as the ones showing a fetus... very good! very informative!

    yay! a month

  2. We will definitely be praying for you guys. I hope you have an awesome trip!

  3. from what my homies tell me.... the conroe hotel on the square has weekly rates...... great location....

    location location location....

  4. watch out for fleas & bedbugs


  5. The Conroe Motel is not so much of an option...

  6. LOL

    There is also a place on the freeway (i can't remember exactly where) that is pretty new and advertises weekly and monthly rates. Hopefully it's not evil and unsafe for kids or anything. But if you want to be sort of near the viking, that might be an option. I don't recommend the Conroe Hotel. LOL


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