
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Let it snow (with the heater on)

1 comment:

It snowed last night. I'm almost 2 years into my Kansas City residency now, and I am still all verklempt about snow. I just love it. I love to look at it, that is. From indoors, with the heater on and a fire in my wood-stove. And a book, a blanket, a couple of toddlers in footed pjs and a cuppa cocoa. Not so much the outdoors part, with the snow, and the cold, and the wetness.

Lucky for me, school was totally cancelled. In celebration, I read until midnight. The problem is, Toby did not get the memo. He was in at 7:30, tapping on my head. "It's so BEAUTIFUL outside!" he says. "Ugh." I replied. He was relentless, and I ended up dressing him and Bean in 4000 layers and sending them out into 11 degree weather. That's abusive, maybe you're saying. Hey, lighten up. They considered it abusive to be inside. They surprised me and played out there for over 10 minutes. I say "played" loosely. Mostly they ate snow.

After a bit, they came in and had some cereal. R2 was mostly disgruntled that there was no school, and lobbied in his own way to watch Veggie Tales all day, which I let him do. Am in in line for Mother of the Year? Well, maybe not. But it was a very sweet and cozy day. So there you go. 9 degrees now. I am staying UP IN THE HOUSE.

1 comment:

  1. 9 degrees! Stay up in the house! Do not venture out there. My gosh!Mama


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