
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dancers, drugs and sharing

A bevy of dancer-types have descended on us from heaven this week. Actually, they technically ascended on us from Texas, but the heaven/Texas parallels are many. Anyways. We arrived back in Kansas City yesterday around 3, and then TrEd trickled in between 6 and 8 pm. It's good to be home, and it's good to have friends around. Win!

The onething conference is this week. You can watch it for free on the webs at Ihop.org.

Unfortunately, Toby is sick. He and his cousins passed around the virus pipe, metaphorically speaking. This is how it goes. If no kids are sick, they don't stick their hands in each other's mouths, or trade sippy cups, or spit in each other's faces, so much. They just play. But let one kid get a random bacteria or two, and they are RABID to share. So it goes.

Last night I gave him cough medicine and then he laid very still with a white face and panicked us, but when I shook him he woke up and then came downstairs and requested cookies for a couple of hours. I might have given him a couple, since I was glad I hadn't poisoned him with medicine, and it was his birthday.

So there you go, it's not interesting but it is a blog entry. You have to be able to take a few roughs with the smooth.


  1. YOU KNOW i HAD to read with a title like that ;-)

  2. had a feeling those treddies might be using drugs


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