
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

blog before we drive SO FAR


Ideally for you, my lurking blog readers, I would update daily. Sometimes that ain’t possible due to our host homes being, in general, FOUR HUNDRED MILES away from a wireless signal. Last night we slept in a guest house across from a vineyard in Madera, CA.

Before that, we played for a youth group in Fresno. Then today we went to a high school and talked to a Christian club. I love teenagers. I wish I could tell them that now is not forever, and it will get easier and it will get harder, but it’s just 4 years! But I don’t tell them that, because I am NOT OLD.

You don’t really ever get to stop being a youth pastor. You can be a retired youth pastor, or a reluctant youth pastor, but if you love kids, it keeps coming back.

I am really inspired to write these days. I am having lots of deep and potentially profound thoughts, but not so much the time to write them down. Also, I don’t want this to become Debbie Downer’s Flotsam and Jetsom.

Tomorrow, we drive 12 hours to Sandy, UT. Maybe I will write some stuff then. Or, I will eat Hot Fries, get nauseated, try to take a nap but get my head bounced so fiercely by the back tires or shocks or whatever that I will give up on that so I will read my Bible and listen to Kim Walker for an hour or two and then I will eat some other crappy questionable food item and then read a chapter or two of a novel and then discuss immigration or the potential nationality of the Antichrist, and then we might discuss that one time that Daniel fell off the stage or what have you. Then, I will fight off the MOGs advances and eat some more and then pray for a while and then maybe, MAYBE we will be there and what have I written? Jack Squat, that’s what.


  1. I just have to know how it's going in Cali. Hoping all is well. And trying to live vicariously through any of you guys who care to throw tidbits out there!

    Love you!!!

  2. You are one of the most awesome people on this planet!

  3. Poor Daniel! I feel for ya!

  4. I am sorry to report that Daniel did NOT fall off the stage. That was just a hypothetical example of the type of thing we might discuss.

  5. Why are you nauseated Jekissa?

  6. it was a hypothetical nausea, based on hypothetical Hot Fries which did not happen since the MOG called us all to a fast.

  7. all this hypothetical is making me wonder if you're really on tour.

  8. are you hypothetically PREGNANT too? I am sure your readers would be the firsts to know...... ooo after of course you called your favorite MIL

  9. Hey, hey, Sisters are immediately after husbands and mothers. I better not find out on a blog or facebook or something first!

    As if that has not happened BEFORE!-G

  10. I like hypothetical fries-G

  11. I like hypothetical cheesecake......

  12. I like hypothetical crazy blog posters who insist on being the first to know things.


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