
Thursday, October 15, 2009

ear tubes and toddler hacking

I took R2 to the ENT today. Back when we made the appointment, we knew he was having constant ear infections and his tonsils looked problematic. By the time we actually HAD the appointment, he'd had his sleep study and we knew for sure he would need his tonsils and adenoids removed, and probably tubes in his ears. So basically today I just nodded and smiled and signed stuff that I already agreed to and such. Did I tell you guys about his sleep study? He stops breathing 38 times an hour. Every single time, he wakes up. So he is not sleeping at all. Plus, with having 4 or more ear infections a year, with an average of 2 months for the fluid to drain and normal hearing to return. So he's hearing poorly for an average of 8 months out of the year. No wonder he's grumpy. He has a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy scheduled for mid-November, and we added the tubes to that.

In other news, today during Toby's "quiet time" he found my computer, went into my facebook and recorded and posted 2 videos of himself. I think I have a busy 16 years ahead of me.

We leave tomorrow for Texas. Today we bought snacks galore, in an attempt to save money otherwise spent on gas station snacks. I doubt my own theory. I hope to come up with some more fiction tonight... I have several tracks this could take but I am undecided.


  1. poor R2!!! very sad for him!! Lord bless him with grace!!!

    Happy early birthday!!! I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!!

  2. i feel very sad for Richy and Toby is way too smart for a 3 yr old.


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