
Friday, October 23, 2009

Friday fiction might be delayed...

So, where I am it is 5:40. Count your lucky stars to be sleeping right now. Well, count them when you wake up. By that time, I should be sleeping in the van, or at least fighting the MOG for leg room and half-blanket custody in the van.

We have a TEN hour drive today. Yikes. The good news is, somewhere in there I will take the time to work on Telenova a little bit and then maybe upload it tonight from San Diego. The bad news is, we have a TEN hour drive. The other good news is Radiant women don't get to drive. The other bad news is that the men blast the AC and refuse to stop for the bathroom.

Last night I heard Nate Nelson say we stopped constantly to use the restroom. Twice in seven hours. TWICE. I have stopped drinking. Maybe you're relieved but a little freaked. I never drank like THAT. I mean water. I will just wait, and then ten hours from now I'll drink my fill.

Tonight, a pro-life event in San Diego with Matt Lockett of Bound4Life and the Justice House of Prayer in San Diego! We love all those people!

Last night we played in a house of prayer on a mountain in Arizona. It's recorded if you want to watch it on ustream. It was a hard fight but there was definite breakthrough. Then, we ate lasagna and went swimming, in a giant hot tub. Me and Han wore our burquas.

We were swimming 5 hours ago or so. So there you go.


  1. Hey, just cause you are dipping your feet off the santa monica pier doesn't mean you have forgotten ole jenny and Hank!-G


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