
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

any minute now...

Almost ready to go here... my tour plan changed from one week to three weeks last night, due to a providential mother-in-law. I'm a little concerned about Toby developing (more) violent tendencies due to our 3 week separation, but we always have video chat... maybe that will be good enough.

This is Nate and Daniel's last tour, and I am stoked about getting to be on the road for it.

Last night we did a CD release concert in Magnolia. If you don't have the new CD yet, it's up on Itunes ...go listen and then purchase it. It's really beautiful.

So, I will be on the road for the next 3 weeks but I plan on keeping up with the blog here, especially since ANDY CHAVEZ said I was slacking.... Hopefully, the 8 and such hour drives will give me some good time to write, once I'm done reading the Bible, of course.

The plan is for Viking Granny to potty-train Brynn while I'm out cavorting with my rock and roll band. Win-win.

I am pretty heartsick about leaving, but once I'm on the road, either neglect or grace makes me able to focus on the task at hand. Maybe next year they will be ready to be mini-roadies.


  1. at least you will have two out of diapers....

  2. ...Facebook is like a whole new world- I had know idea you had a blog!
    I should explain that. I just saw your post on facebook...low and behold you BLOG...and that makes since, and I like it!

  3. have a grand old time

    send me a yee-mail some time catching me up with the Hanster

    enjoy the time out on the road without the kids - they'll be fine!

  4. I don't know about that mil. She has those violent tendencies after all. And she drinks way too much coffee.-G

  5. G- There is absolutely no such thing as drinking too much coffee!

  6. I think i may go buy some live rats at the pet store and set them free in your house....then you will need to come home to take care of dems.

  7. does this mean no tacos with amigas!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Nate has his family and work. Why is Daniel stopping? What will he be doing?

  10. Daniel is considering a couple of options involving classes or internships at IHOP


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