
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I hate pants and have cute kids, simultaneously

I left for three hours today, and spent most of it in my favorite thrift store in all of the world. I tried on a LOT of jeans, which is almost as fun as giving myself a root canal, and bought a bunch of costumes for the little people. I did find one pair of jeans a couple of shirts, too. Sometimes the thrill of getting a $20 shirt for a buck just makes me SO giddy.

Do you remember when I talked about white pants? I tried to break the cycle the other day and put a pair of sparkling white capris on Brynn. She made it almost an hour before she dropped a bowl of ketchup on them. My daughter, y'all. Or maybe I just eat like a 2 year old. Either way.

I am full of inspiration today in regards to the beautification of my house. The problem is, it hardly ever makes it out of the ol' cranium into the actual house. I have done some stuff. But right now I feel the urge to write down, room to room, what I want it to look like, so that when the inspiration passes and all I can think of is more hampers, I will have some better ideas.

Toby starts soccer tonight. It's soccer for 3 and 4 year olds, so I imagine it will primarily be running into each other and screaming, but hey! I'm pretty stoked about it.

Don't you have another kid? maybe you're saying. Yes, yes I do. And he has an ear infection and a bad attitude and he would really prefer not to have his picture taken.


  1. I love your dance Tobias!

    Hi my babies!

  2. Hey, where is our fiction?-G

  3. who was at the door??? Where is my fiction fix... tho those kids are pretty darn cute!

  4. Who cares about the kids, I LOVE that haircut Jess!

  5. i think that boy of urs needs to stay off all foods with artificial colors & caffeine

    what a ball of energy

  6. he never has caffeine... not a lot of artificial colors either.... energy, he has no shortage of

  7. Ha! Wire Toby to house & use his energy instead of electric company. You could save loads of money!!!!

    Think of all the thrift store stuff you could purchase.

    Fun times.


  8. I can vouch from non-stop boy energy with little sugar, no caffeine, and little to no artificial flavors. Toby and my boy and less than 3 months apart. These boys could run through walls and still get up and play!


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