
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

in which I procrastinate a little by blogging

We leave for tour on Friday morning. The week before a tour, I try to use all the groceries, finish all the laundry, pick up all prescriptions, and then rid the house of trash and anything else that would make the house stink after weeks. So far, I have used almost all the groceries.

The only problem is, we don't leave till Friday. We do have eggs and cheese, and according to the primary voices of my childhood, that is plenty. The laundry is 75% done, and if people would stop wiping peanut butter on everything, it will be done completely prior to our trip. We like to get the house clean before we leave, so we have lots of room to throw giant bags of shoes, toys and half-masticated Cheetos from the van as soon as we get back..

In other news, I will be 31 this week. I will use this opportunity to refer you back to my Proverbs 31 post, which I like a lot. I am confident that by the end of this year, I will have the "virtuous wife" gig in the bag. Stay tuned!

Now, call me a maverick, but I like to have a party every year for my birthday. Some people think that once you hit puberty, you should knock it off with the birthday idea and just have a nice quiet dinner and maybe some cake. Okay, I will do that too. Still. You can take the girl outta the party but you can't take the party outta the girl... So! I will be having a birthday party at Julie D's house on Saturday at 5. Texas pals are invited. It might be our only chance to catch up with you prior to hitting the West Coast, so come on over.

In other, other news, Richy will be preaching at CTK Sunday morning and then we have a CD release concert Monday night at Freedom Fellowship. The new CD is amazing. I might be biased, but I'm not wrong. You can download a free track here: or on iTunes here . Go get it!
The full tour itinerary is on facebook.

And that's it for today. Your mom is random.


  1. I like when Richy preaches! He smiles a lot and that contagious!

    not sure if contagious is spelled right so Jess, feel free to correct me :0)

  2. I am turning 30 today!!! i LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!!! My mom says that i always have!!! get excited jess!!! love every minute of it!!! happy birthday!!!


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