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So this is day two of the new schedule. And I am feeling so much better about life in general since I didn't...
+So this is day two of the new schedule. And I am feeling so much better about life in general since I didn't...
+The MOG started his IHOP class today. By the way, when I say IHOP, I mean International House of PRAYER. I wish there...
+I need to be starting lunch now. Which means washing a LOT of dishes. So I blog.We bought several locks yesterday, primarily designed...
+Miss me? We had a fun day out ... grocery shopping and such, buying locks galore to keep Toby in the house. So...
+Today, as I was driving home from the airport (the MOG is going to lead worship at this), Mama called me. "Are you...
+Currently, Toby is busting a jam on the keyboard. If you don't speak ebonics, especially early 90's ebonics, I mean he is playing...
+Happy Monday!Feeling much better today after multiple hours alone on Saturday... at Barnes and Noble, and then the library, and then the thrift...
+Anybody need a Kansas City phonebook? No? Okay. Because I have at least EIGHT. Maybe 10. And they keep delivering them. Fat ones,...
+Here's the little weekend update... the plan was to drive to Cincinnati in the evening to avoid all the visual stimulation for R2,...
+it's that time of year again... The one remaining power supply is broken and that puts two laptops out of commision. Simultaneously, our...
+I've got a fun little house video to put up here, waiting for it to load onto Photobucket so I can load it...
+I had planned to upload some videos on here today... you know what they say about plans. Well, they say a lot of...
+All right, all right. Politics. Now here's the whatsit. I LOVE politics. But I don't enjoy discussing it that much because it gets...
+Sheesh. What a day. Not lousy, exactly. Just long and frustrating. Starting with Toby waking up at 6 am. Then taking off his...
+Last night we found a resale shop. I just went in to check it out... wanting to spend the last of the Christmas...
+What a whirlwind of glamour and excitement I am in... today, I made meatloaf. Somebody stop me.Today, I put the wee gents into...
+Well, here we are. 5 of us alone -several states away from friends and family. I have been dreading this, but you know,...