We went out last night... all 4 of us.
We saw Glory Road... we sat way up high with the annoying teenagers
because there were more empty seats around....
I saw Terri there with her main squeeze.
It was a good movie... nothing wrong with it. I just wanted it to be
more moving.... the previews are awesome and I thought it would be more
Remember the Titans-ish... but I didn't connect with it the same way.
Still, it was clean and a good story. So there you go.
Toby slept hard through the whole movie. There are good things about
spending your early days in the NICU, where alarms are always beeping
and the lights stay on... both of my children could sleep through
R2 loved the movie... he loves every "big movie". He is always very
excited about going and then he has a great attention span through the
whole thing.
In answer to Beth's trivia question, Monday is Mama's birthday. She
will be as old as her tongue and a little older than her teeth. So give
her a shout-out Monday. And cash is good, too.
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