
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

And the Blog Award goes to....

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Toby! For being a great reason to start a blog!

Georgia brought up the idea of blog awards.... very interesting. What
are some awards we could offer?
I used to win awards. Spelling bees and presidencies and such...
elementary school.
Do you know I consider participation ribbons socialism? Just award
everyone... no high achiever award only....
I used to go to the Houston area spelling bee and get beat by a Chinese
kid. Now, that sounds more interesting than it is. I mean, he would win
the competition, not pummel me. Clarification was necessary, I feel.
I have never won a trophy. Only ribbons.... I guess trophies are for
sports, and I do not excel at sports, to put it kindly.
Piney Woods used to have Field Days, where all day long you did sports
and tournaments and whatnot. I often scored the coveted position of
scorekeeper. It's amazing how much energy I have expended in my life
just AVOIDING playing sports.
You don't really get ribbons or trophies when you grow up. Maybe
certificates. But they're always things like You've Completed
Foundations! and your husband just throws them away.

Sigh... Maybe I'll get myself a trophy over at Brauns. And I'll keep it
at the Hernandez's house so it's safe.

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