
Tuesday, January 31, 2006


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I am a victim of advertising. For most of my life, I missed a lot of
ads... because TV was the abomination of desolation and we never had
Now I have one, although it is threatened almost daily by the MOG and
will, undoubtedly be sent back to its owner eventually...
Anyhoo. I was talking about ads. For example, a while back (hours to
years ago), I saw a Jack in the Box commercial about "Fake Shakes". I
have always been a fast food snob, avoiding JITB, Burger King, and
"Waterburger". But this commercial made me laugh and then I thought, I
wonder if that shake really is better... and next thing you know, JITB
is on the list of acceptable foods. Next up, Sonic. My very favorite
commercials. And there you go. I find myself sitting in the little
drive-in, wondering why I am there again because I don't really like
the food.
These BK commercials with the giant King are a little weird. I am
unconvinced. And it will take a LOT to ever bring me in the doors of
I buy my dishwashing detergent because that lady's dishes are so
sparkling! Families who eat Jimmy Dean together stay together.
Personal hygiene commercials: why are these products advertised? I feel
so sorry for the actresses. Imagine memorizing that script.
And the guys who sang the toilet bowl song. Was the money really worth
it? I- uh, Well, I sing jingles. For commercials... well, actually I'm
the little guy in the toilet.... hello???
and maybe it's my age, or my health... but the fact that Cheerios will
lower my cholesterol does not change the fact that they taste like

One time, we drove up to McDonalds. From the backseat..." ba da ba ba

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