
Friday, January 13, 2006

another surprise about motherhood

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This is really a topic more suited for guys day... but here goes.
I am surprised by the frequency and the violence of these
Tobias always seems inspired by a fresh diaper... time to have another
go at it. I am currently on the 3rd diaper for this particular diaper
change. Just wait it out, you say. I have. And right when things are
seeming done... he's just laying there... surely he's finished... the
new diaper is inducted.
He is also inspired to "water the flowers". I have to wash him all
off... change the sheets, etc. And he gets mad at ME because he's wet
and cold.

I don't know how I missed all this with R2. He was in the hospital for
4 months, that's part of it. But we brought him home at 6 pounds!
Surely we did all this infant stuff. But there is no memory. I am
befuddled by car seats and baby baths and sleeplessness... like this is
the first time. I am amazed by my fascination with him. Did I stare at
Richy all the time? I just don't remember.
But here I am again for the first time. And I intend to soak it up.

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