
Saturday, January 28, 2006


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Yesterday Richy was out of town... without the car. And the tax return

So I took both young gents out by myself! We went to Walmart and the
library... I was hoping to go to HEB too but by that point I was so
tired and Toby was needing one of his marathon feedings... you can only
get so far snacking.

It wasn't too bad! Of course R2 is so peaceful... he was very happy and
excited to ride around in the cart. I realized I have had it pretty
easy the last 6 years, on the traveling front... he just goes
everywhere. There may be a change comin... Toby HATED riding in the
Snugli and then he got SO hungry (even though I just fed him) and so we
had to go to the Walmart McD's and sit down and have a snack... all of
Then he was happier and rode for a little while.
He slept through the library, thank you paci...
Funny how that's just a couple of sentences and it took hours to
Anyway, we had fun and it was a success, all things considered.

This little guy definitely has personality... and opinions.

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