getting ready for a burp...

A burp you guys can all be proud of

The jetfighter is not pleased...
I have been able to breastfeed Toby 3 times now... he always seems slightly alarmed. But he is a great eater and should start gaining weight so we can blow this popsicle stand.
I came home to my house last night early... left the hospital at 6:30. This is the third time I have come home to a house without my baby. But it is definitely different. Leaving him, after feeding him and he was so full and happy and sleepy.... was not so bad.
Last night was the first night I slept soundly... (albeit waking up every 2 hours to pump) since he was born. I feel renewed hope for the future.
Now if I can only wake up the MOG so we can get out of here and back to my baby...
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