
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Motherhood is not for the weak...

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I now have two children. Isn't that WEIRD?
Toby was awake a lot last night... I think he has figured out I am his
slave... a few little grunts and whimpers and I'm out of bed with
dinner, dessert and a movie.
If I ignore the grunts, it will be full fledged screaming by the time I
process... this is my child. I am in my own home and I am his food
supply.... etc...
Sometimes he just wants to drink for 5 minutes and then look around.
And wave his hands. I recognize these movements from when he was in

I love sleep now. It never really mattered to me before. Now I crave
it... I even took a nap yesterday- the first one in all of this
pregnancy and since his birth...

I guess I should take this opportunity for a shower and food... see ya

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