
Monday, January 16, 2006

Monday Monday

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Happy Birthday to my Mama...

I didn't blog yesterday because I was lazy... or legitimately tired...
or uninspired

R2 had a seizure last night... his first in a year. It made me so sad
because I thought these were over... and I hate to see him suffer.
I was also afraid of more brain damage... He woke up this morning and
walked in here and pointed at the TV. Good sign. He then began to have
a VERY loud conversation on his phone right next to a sleeping Toby.
So I turned on the TV and he says "Look, it's Elmo!"
He then went in the living room and told his daddy, "Change my diaper.
I have stinky poopoos."

So.... um... there you go.
It was good of God to reassure me first thing.

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