
Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Toby Update

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Hello everyone. Toby looks good. The main problem now is that he is
having these "heart almost stopping" episodes for the last few days.
Unfortunately this is delaying our leaving the hospital. They are
going to watch him a few more days, and then resume his increased
feeding schedule, until he is feeding naturally 'round the clock. So
hopefully we are looking at min one more week. His heart thing can be
2 things, one apnea. Which is simply the heart slowing down. That's
not a good thing, but babies grow out of it. Two, it could be reflux,
which is when milk in his stomach comes up and blocks his airways.
Either way we are believing for a quick healing. Otherwise, he looks
beautiful and is the cutest thing since fried rice. - Richy

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