I am a victim of advertising. For most of my life, I missed a lot of ads... because TV was the abomination of...
+I am a victim of advertising. For most of my life, I missed a lot of ads... because TV was the abomination of...
+Just when I was going to do the Happy Birthday Jenna post, I read that she isn't coming as planned!She has flipped and...
+there’s a somber sweetness about childhood. i remember walking barefoot. half painted toenails carefullynavigating over white broken rocks. finding treasures: a red leaf,...
+Wow. Actually slept pretty good last night... but I have to find out if he's big enough to sleep 4 hours now... 'cause...
+Sorry about the delay in posting... Toby was fussy all night and so ... you understand.Turns out the only place he would sleep...
+I went to church yesterday. It was the first time in a looong time that I've been there and not been a little...
+I am SO tired. I know I'm just a whiney baby.... mothers throughout history have done this.... but geez.So I won't be around...
+My battery will die momentarily... but 'eres a little blog to get ya goin.If Toby eats at 6 am, then he and I...
+So there's a new link over on the side - it's pictures that you cats have already seen, but if anyone just wants...
+Mornin bloggersThe late night blogging has grown quite interesting... I always catch up in my a.m. sleep deprived haze as opposed to my...
+Toby! For being a great reason to start a blog!Georgia brought up the idea of blog awards.... very interesting. What are some awards...
+Happy Birthday to my Mama...I didn't blog yesterday because I was lazy... or legitimately tired... or uninspiredR2 had a seizure last night... his...
+We went out last night... all 4 of us.We saw Glory Road... we sat way up high with the annoying teenagers because there...
+This is really a topic more suited for guys day... but here goes.I am surprised by the frequency and the violence of these...
+UPDATE:Toby is 5 pounds 4 oz... a 9 oz weight gain in 4 days! YAY!And he looks good... everything is good and healthy...
+I now have two children. Isn't that WEIRD?Toby was awake a lot last night... I think he has figured out I am his...
+We are rooming in tomorrow... going home Sunday if Toby does good with 24 hours of feeding!HALLELUJAH HOORAY YIPEE! unbelievable......
+Just thought I'd note that.Well here I am at the NICU. Toby is sleeping so I guess I should go eat breakfast. Just...
+Here is the latest... Toby should be going home this weekend. They are going to send us home with a heart monitor, which...
+Toby will be a week old today at 7:45... pretty good party planned at the Censored Buffet...Don't know if the guys will show...
+Hello everyone. Toby looks good. The main problem now is that he is having these "heart almost stopping" episodes for the last few...
+Toby at the "Censored Buffet"getting ready for a burp...A burp you guys can all be proud ofThe jetfighter is not pleased...I have been...