
Friday, May 22, 2009

run run run die

Worked out today. I tried running. I don't think you understand. I don't run. I can move at a decent clip when I need to get somewhere, and I have a lot of leg, so a step covers a lot of ground. But I am realizing that running makes everything happen faster. Yeah, that'll preach. 

I also realized that I stink at running. I can't do my feet right and it's all jarring and I can hear my feet slapping on the treadmill, but the other pudgy mommies' feet are not making any noise, and I can only run for like a minute before I am all wore out and have to take it back to a brisk walk. I think I run wrong. How lame do you have to be to run wrong? Preeeety lame.

I bet y'all are hurting for some Smartypants. So be it.

Submit your questions of a general and entertaining nature today through Monday and if nothing interesting enough bumps you, your questions (or a portion thereof) will be answered in a general and entertaining way on Monday.


  1. Smartypants,

    What is the correct body form one should have when running?

  2. Is R2 alright? What Blood? Everyone ok?

  3. Dear Ms. SmartyPants,

    When one does not know how to run in good form, does one a) keep running, no matter what she looks like?, b)go back to jog-walking? or c) slip off the tredmill and go hide in the locker room in embarrassment?

  4. Hahaha.

    I couldn't run either until I trained for this 1/2 marathon for the Crohn's & Colitis foundation -- and our trainer was way awesome.

    Apparently, I didn't breathe correctly and was going too fast. once I remembered to breathe and realized that running is really just jogging long distances, which is basically glorified walking -- and I chilled out about it, I realize I LOVE it and i can actually do it. I think I was too Type A to do it without someone correcting me. It's chill. I'm not naturally chill.

  5. diet coke can cause weight gain and memory loss

  6. Viking granny -- no, no, no. Diet Coke DOES cause weight gain and memory loss. I'm living proof.


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