
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Guest blogger: Brynn


Hi folks, Brynn here. You may better know me as Bean, or Bryncess, or Bin-Bin. Or more recently, I have been called NO a lot. I don’t like that name. At all.

When someone calls me no, I have to move quick to keep doing what I am trying to do. My mom is the worst. Just when I have a nice big handful of toothpaste to wipe down my arms, she’s there, killing the fun.

Or like today, when Toby and I found the brownies and hid and ate them in Mommy’s bed. What’s the big deal? They’re good, right? And what better place to enjoy them than in front of some PBS? Such a party pooper.

Something I learned recently is the Shriek. If I open my mouth and let fly with a nice piercing screech, everyone pays attention. I might be the smallest person in this family, and sometimes people might even step on me, or knock me over with laundry hampers; but I can get some respect with the Shriek. I like to just walk around with my diaper sagging, shrieking at random intervals. That’ll show em.

Currently, I’m being forced to take a nap after I tried to help mom cook. She kept saying “Hot, hot” and I got so mad I spit on the floor. Next thing I knew, I was in my playpen. And I wasn’t EVEN done with my raviolis! Sheesh.

When I wake up from my nap, I am planning a little afternoon screeching, maybe a dirty diaper, and if I can find the time, I would really like to get under the bathroom sink and get into the shampoo and Daddy’s clipper attachments. And then maybe play with my baby dolls, and put them in the toilet.


  1. Ahh the joys of being a toddler. Life is good.

  2. I wish life could STAY that simple :0)

  3. bean should comment more often
    good stuff
    good times
    for sure
    go bean

  4. My BABY! She is such a darling and I like her denim colored tutu ....
    She is such a beauty

  5. You are very smart. I thought only I had figured out how a good screech can work. Maybe we should talk and share more ideas.

    Keith Peterson

  6. uh oh, i see an "arranged" marriage - the families are already introducing KP and BC...

  7. i don't have a cute come back
    or anything chic to say,
    but i do feel The Bean
    The Bryncess
    Bin Bin
    or The Shriek

    has inherited her mommy's
    Judy Garland
    Barbra Streisand
    DRama Queen Extraordinaire

    she is so cute and so little
    but they say Dynamite comes in small packages too!

    did you read my latest entry of
    ERma? :)
    i just bought my new kenmore yesterday and it is not 500. It was 202.50 not delivered. somewhat better.!

    love you!

  8. guess you'll have to read her blog to find out!


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