
Wednesday, May 6, 2009


1 comment:
We’re driving now, on the way to St. Augustine, Florida where we will play tonight. It’s a pretty easy trip- 4 hours or so.

Maybe you’re asking yourself- how is she blogging a)while driving and b)how can she have the internets in the van? Well, aren’t you a nosy little critter…
I’ll tell ya. A)I don’t drive at all, ever. I would drive this massive rig straight into a wall. Unintentionally. I may be smart, but I am dumb as a stick when it comes to driving, and I am a wee little lady and not capable of handling massive vans attached to massive trailers.
And B) I don’t have the internets. I am typing this on a word document and I’ll paste it when I get the internets. (there are actually 2 iPhones in the van, which both are online, and a wireless card which can be plugged into a laptop and get wi-fi acess anywhere. We are SO high-tech. ((none of them are mine, so don’t get your hopes up)))

Last night was amazing. The Front is a youth ministry- primarily upperclassmen and college age, I’d say- just really hungry and pressing in and WILD. We blasted the heck and it was uber fun. Worship was loud- those kids made it easy- and then their leaders did a little ministry and then Richy preached and we did altar ministry. That sounds like a long meeting, maybe you’re saying. 4 hours. And then IHOP(ancakes) till nearly 2 am. I am TARRED, to speak in the vernacular.

didn't have internet for a day, so I am late on the ol' updating. Gotta try to catch up soon.

1 comment:

  1. HI JESS...... no comments at 3pm makes me want to comment....

    I sent you an email and I am blogging photos of todays big events momentarily.....



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