
Monday, May 25, 2009

provocative title HERE

R2 had a bad seizure over the weekend, but has had a good recovery. I might write more about that later, but not today.

Tonight, we have our first home group here at the casa. I need to CLEAN, and how I hate it. So Smartypants will have to wait. Continue submitting questions on Friday's blog and I will answer them sometime this week.... also, have you checked out the ol' poetry blog lately? Maybe you should...


  1. May each and every home group be bigger and better and more powerful......

  2. watched the you tube video and cracked up laughing. I soooo would have come to play, but alas, I live in Washington state. speaking of that, do you guys have any venues at all for the west side of the US?

  3. we have a Cali tour coming up... fall sometime.

  4. that would be a Cali and WA state tour, RIGHT? The MOG and I have discussed it on the phone a couple times. You ain't backin' out are ya?

  5. if the MOG said WA, then WA.... I don't make de plans.

  6. Ms Smartypants

    We all know that at least one baby we know of was breach and turned around by a certain substance burned between the mother's toes. This has worked I have heard at least 98 percent of the time. How does this work?-G

    Could you elaborate on the future of such children...

  7. hey Jess! I am definitely your mother and was glad to hear you confirm it. You may put me on your facebook anytime but only looking good. Not like normal. Decidedly Mama

  8. i understand how mama feels jess.

    some people have put MY NAME on husband's pics.

    a 225 pound sweaty man pulling with all his samsonite might at the MCF picnic.

    i take exception to this mind you.

    decidedly 80 pounds his junior and Oh So Sensitive about this.

  9. no worries, Kat... people tag you so his photos will go in your facebook album- they aren't actually saying they think that's YOU... :)


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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