
Monday, May 11, 2009

the days have melted together

New Radiant podcast available on iTunes or for direct download! Go start the download and then come back and read.... 

One week till I see my boys!

Gotta whole weekend to catch y'all up on, so I'll have to keep the loquaciousness down... let's see

Virginia Beach on Thursday. These guys are old friends, and it was awesome to see them again- the only bummer is how quickly we're moving- we didn't really have much time to catch up. We played for the youth group, and then there was some really specific prophetic ministry- we lined 'em up and prophesied. Luckily, we're just encouraging so we don't have to be that prophetic.

Washington DC on Friday. We ended up being really late for setup in DC. We chilled in DC traffic for a long, long time and then we had to kinda hurtle out of the van and throw all the gear inside the church whilst passing cars honked at the van and trailer. We completed setup in 35 minutes- a new record. THEN, salsa. Evidently the tentacles of this blog reach to Washington, and my cries for salsa were heard. (Thanks, Amy!) It was a happy day for my mouth. We led worship there for some people from the host church, and the Justice House of Prayer (JHOP). JHOPs really have our heart, giving their lives and hearts for prayer for a more political focus- it was beautiful to get to spend some time with them.

Saturday we had the day off, and we spent the morning touring DC, which is one of my favorite cities. We walked to the Supreme Court and past a lot of large stone historical stuff with great significance, and then most of the team went to the Museum of Natural History or Science or something and me and Matt were like "Whaaaa?" so we bailed and went next door (which was actually like a block or more) to the Smithsonian -American History. It was so, so, so amazing. I want to go sometime and spend like 2 days in there. We had to move at a pretty good clip, and we got through the Star Spangled Banner, Abraham Lincoln, and several wars before our time was up. Geez. What an AMAZING place. Then we drove till past midnight to get most of the way to our Sunday destination.

Sunday, we slept in and then had a much needed team meeting and then drove a couple more hours to Springfield Massachusetts, again- to longtime friends. Very sweet service last night- a ton of spontaneous music and then a long altar time... I think we were all really refreshed by having slept all night- oh.. and by SALSA. Once again, this blog reached to Mass, and my friend Kerri had spicy salsa awaiting, plus a bag of TRUFFLES. Holla.

Then a lot of late night catching up, and eventually a meltdown courtesy of Bean, and then sleep. Now you're caught up and I can go back to one day entries tomorrow. Sheesh.


  1. I feel honored.. an honest to goodness shout out AND you spelled my name correctly. Sadly, not enough time together. I know only one remedy - I'll have to make a trip out to KC once ya'll move into that nice new house. Safe driving! :)

  2. loquaciousness...what a word!

    And DC traffic. Oh my. I'm glad you guys survived! =)

  3. It was great talking to you...... now we can stop replaying youtube videos.... please post the livestream if it is available for any of your sermons and worship.....

  4. did you get my youtube this morning?

  5. Yes mam I did....... They loved it..... did you look at the www.bedstejoy.blogspot.com since 7p? New info

  6. Chris Hernandez is funny funny funny...

  7. Anytime we do not get a new video we do not mind watching reruns NO STRESS please....

  8. The Smithsonian would've been my pick also. I've read suggestions to take 3 days just to visit the place and really enjoy it. I could probably spend a week there.

  9. What are the guys doing hanging upside down.....? That is a great pic

  10. When I microwave the corn dogs neither child wants to eat them at all.

    When I bake them in the old fashioned oven even Tobias asks for seconds and thirds.

    Picky Picky Picky..... Crunchy is so much better than mushy

  11. Great update and fun pictures! Brynn is such a little rockstar!


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