
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Again, with the video blogging

Due to the enormous outcry for more video blogs, (thanks, Kerri) I will comply.

Couple disclaimers: a) I am tired, and look it. You didn't come to this blog for eye candy, now, did you?
b) when I make reference to the "boys", I mean the boys and Han. Han is beautiful and feminine, but surrounded by males and thus is ocassionally lumped in.


  1. You always have been a land lover when it comes to the roller coaster parks.

    What if the ride spun you up in the air, and then plunged you into a lukewarm vat of Hershey's chocolate that you could slurp till your heart's content. Would you ride then?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. You must give details on how to get the stream from the blog. It seems that you've done it a couple time already and I haven't seen it or known when you were doing it.

  4. Josh..... if a very old old lady with two kids in a spotless house can figure it out.... I know YOU can.....

    I just went to the blog and clicked on the BIG GIANT ARROW in the middle of the black screen on the FRONT PAGE of Jess Blog and it played..... skipped skirted a tad and then played smoothly. I then noticed the little TV SCREEN ICON GADGET thing at the bottom right of the screen that was playing and i clicked on it and it made the image full screen..... it was awesome.

    After the music stops and MOG seems to be whispering his message I text Jess and she turns up the volume.... there you go.... Walla!

  5. I'm embedding from ustream.tv, Roo. it's pretty cool.

  6. Cool. I've seen others use ustream, I guess I just missed it when you were streaming.

  7. this has been the longest day in KC history.....and I am glad it is over..... I am going to bed now!

  8. Woe is me...... JK.... Children and Garage Door kept me hoppin all dadgum day..... everyone is well and happy and right now sound asleep so I am also very very happy....and tired... Love you....be careful drive safe and have fun tearing down those walls.... BREAKthrough!!!


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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