
Thursday, May 7, 2009

on priests, and prayer, and prattling

Day 6? St. Augustine, Florida

We arrived at St. Augustine Assembly of God at about 1 yesterday. We were being hosted by the music minister, and he met us there and fed us sandwiches and chips and such, and then we set up and played for a couple of hours- except I bailed and met an online friend… “What meanest thou this?” maybe you’re saying. “Isn’t that a good way to die?” you ask. Well, yes. I wouldn’t recommend as a general rule, meeting with internet friends?

But most of you have heard me talk about Hannah’s Prayer, an online community of Christian women experiencing infertility or pregnancy loss, etc. I joined HP a month or so after I lost the twins, and in many ways having those fellow sufferers saved my life. So I try to meet them in person whenever I hit their part of the States, and so I got to meet a friend of nearly 5 years in person yesterday, and it was so great. So I didn’t really set up or practice.
It was such an interesting service. Like I said, it was an Assembly- which usually means they’re a little nervous about us at first, and then they figure out that we’re all right, even if we trip out their upheld decibel meter, and it all works out. So that part happened. (oh, and we went to the beach for an hour or so)

Our crowd was probably half bluehairs (senior citizens and Leah) and teenagers who may or may not have wanted to be there. Multiple denominations were represented, including about 10 priests of various orders. We did our Sunday morning stuff at first- I Exalt Thee and such, and the crowd was SO locked in. I mean, they were really with us. So we gave them a little warning and then blasted into I Delight. There were a couple grannies on the side who were getting their groove on. Richy preached a pretty strong message, and then we did altar ministry, and then a healing line (which is my favorite).

After service, there was lasagna awaiting us, and an Anglican priest gave the blessing. It was kinda flowery, but MAN. The depths. That guy knows God in a way I don’t. When he finished praying, it was just quiet in there. In the words of my hippie parents, it was heavy, man. We stayed at his house last night, and it’s a 3 bedroom that he has basically set up to host as many guests as possible. What a servant. I don’t know what Anglicans believe, but I have no doubts about Father Brian. He is the real deal.

On the road now to Aiken, South Carolina. Arrival time in approximately 4 hours. We’ve been averaging about 6 hours sleep at night, so maybe a nap… may it be so.

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  1. Jess, the world must know that that photo is a joke! - Richy

  2. I remember another stop with an Anglican Priest in the west somewhere that was really nice. Pipe organ I think. We stayed at his house.Idaho? Montana? any way it was very pleasant. I love you so much and am praying along the road! what a picture of both Richy and Brynn!

  3. That was me the cow.

  4. hello.... i am the cow...... who is the anonymous cow....?

    I miss you guys......

    Tobias amazed me today by letting me know it was 11:00.....by looking at a old fashioned clock with big hand and little hand.... you know...

  5. It is a cool photo Richy... Looks like you are working up the blue hairs to a "give me a J for Jesus" or something.....

    I love it...

  6. I am so glad that B likes her headphones

  7. hey Viking it is me mama! I am usually the cow. Are you also the cow? This could be confusing although I am happy about having you as a fellow cow. Life is good!

  8. I love the photo of Brynn totally a real rocker chick! The tutu makes the outfit. I think I may need you to make one for Trinity! Maybe you should go into the tutu business!!!!

  9. With all them boys around, she's already it the toot toot business.

  10. Why does Mama call herself the cow?-G

  11. And now VKG is the cow also. What is the cow thing?-G

  12. I know that they are not one of those cow collecting ladies.-G

  13. I tthink mamas is a far side reference, g


Jess here: if Blogger gives you problems, just click "Anonymous" and sign your name. Roll with the punches, folks...

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