
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Night 1 in Nashvegas

BLOG 5-1

Last night we played in Nashville, at the Fortress. These are the guys we worked with last year when we lived in TN for a month or so.

Richy got invited to go for the morning to a mountain in Chattanooga with our host and a couple of Brazilian apostolic guys- it was some kinda prophetic experience, but he has a blog if he really wants to explain all that. I stayed at the hotel - Bean and I had the continental breakfast- which she WANTED and DID NOT WANT very loudly.

Eventually the guys picked me up and we went to Walmart, in an insane deluge. I have never been rained on that hard, ever.

So, tensions were high in Wal-mart. There was a potentially demonized woman screaming at … I don’t really know. Whoever she was yelling to did a good job of not seeming to know her. “I TOLD you to get out HERE to the CAR it POURIN DOWN rain you got to get your random expletives it POURIN down rain you best LISTEN to me” and so on. Entertaining, in an alarming way.

We spent the rest of the day at the church, practicing (the guys) surfing the web (me) and charming EVERYONE (brynn) and texting Richy to see what 1 pm is in Brazilian time (3:45, if you’re curious)

It was a difficult breakthrough last night- typically that comes within a song or two and it was 30 or 40 minutes in… but man, the spontaneous stuff was good. Really ministry TO people which was refreshing. So we did our thing for an hour and a half or so and then other stuff happened.. Like, for example, a fire-breather. I don’t know… Scott (our host) pulled out some pretty good fire Scriptures to kinda tie it all together. Woulda been better if she had a costume or did a a dance or something. Or maybe that would have been weirder. I don’t really know. Brynn slept through the entire service, and teardown. Awesome.

So we had to wait until the event was over so we could tear down our gear, and ended up at the hotel after mindnight, and then up at 7 something to get ready for Alabama today. And that is where I will leave you, and read our assigned chapters and maybe figure out how to sleep in this van.


  1. Hello DaLink! Glad to see you are still "staying connected"!

    Please ready some encouraing content that I just posted!

    I just thought you might be interested since you are so...well...verbal as it were!

    Love you!

  2. sorry, please read
    not ready
    my typing stinks!


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