the picture show
We had an excursion last night... I went to the movies.I was kinda nervous about it, but Brynn and I did really well....
+We had an excursion last night... I went to the movies.I was kinda nervous about it, but Brynn and I did really well....
+Dear Toby,Today is your first birthday. Last year, we waited and we wondered if we would ever get to hold you this side...
+Off to get a shot, yo ho ho... Finally got some sleep and almost feel human again.Eva got a digital camera... check out...
+Here are my sock puppets... I started with a plain sock and made animals, mutants and what not... I found out I really...
+happy birthday to Leah and Calvin!And Caleb!!I have a doctor's appointment I didn't know about today... just going to check in with Dr....
+and now, off for my shot and a quick ultrasound. Updates later....
+Well, I am once again devoid of a power cord... so the laptop is being used in small rations today.Tonight is the RadRev...
+21 weeksI did go to the Simplify party... it was good eatin. After a fairly short time, I got pretty tired and uncomfortable......
+I am being very still. Because I really really want to go to the Christmas party for Richy's new job tonight. No movee.Boy...
+A very hairy little birdy told me it's Shannon's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! and many more... And a special thank you to MamaPC...
+Sorry for the delay in posting... Blogger is giving me trouble this morning.So here's what we're thinking for her name... Brynn Kathryn Brynn...
+Marnin, all. Today I am being very crafty. Not in a diabolical I'm going to take over the WORLD sense.... more of the...
+** UPDATE** THINK PINK!! IT'S A SHE!!Oh, and my cervix is fine... no worries!So, yes, today is my ultrasound... and cervical check. And...
+Interesting topic brought up in yesterday's comments. Banning things... I haven't thought it all the way through, but I have pretty much stopped...
+Well, all the sickies around here are improving... still quite a bit of coughing and hacking and so on, but Toby seems to...
+Well, it's December 1st. That means Christmas has officially begun around here. I... uh... well, I will think Christmassy thoughts until someone around...
+Richy took Toby to the doctor again today.... that poor baby. If anybody even has a runny nose around him, he gets sick....
+So yesterday the contractions... oy. Quite a few. We decided to go ahead and start the Terbutaline. So I have all the side...
+Very, very soon here I will be having some blueberry muffins and bacon... one of Richy's specialties.... mmmmmYesterday was a pretty good day......
+Well, Richy's off to his second interview/meeting... I took a picture of him but the elusive camera cable... Toby's 11 months tomorrow... wow.I...
+Over the years, I have gotten used to the little tang of holidays.... the bittersweetness of understanding everything is not as it should...
+On August 1, 1620, the Mayflower set sail. It carried a total of 102 passengers, including forty Pilgrims led by William Bradford. On...
+It was a muggy day in July or August 1997 or 1998. We packed up little Mercedes and Madison, me, Steph, and Eva...
+It's just dormant, see? But now I need the troops to rally - as once again, I am on bedrest and will use...
+Well, the birthday party was a great success... they ate, they played football, they fell down the stairs (small people), they ate some...
+Well, I am ending my fast early as I miscalculated and was planning on ending this morning. Richy continues to fast. I've had...
+Well, folkies, it's come to that stage of pregnancy where either a)I ignore it and end up in the hospital or b) we...
+Toby is sick. Sheesh. He's all snorky and grumpy... poor baby. So here comes the mommy guilt... not about letting him eat a...
+Well, the wedding was great... pictures over on my picture blog. Josh- Bill was so happy... when they said man and wife, he...
+** I posted this this morning, and it never showed up. If the other one arrives, disregard it.Today... the alarm went off at...
+Something about having Daddy home is making these children sleep in the mornings... nice. Of course, last night at 11:30 Toby was wired......
+Welcome to years of liberal lunacy... what an election. Sheesh. At least Texas came out all right.I have a doctor's appointment today, but...
+So last night after dinner... I am happily internetting away... my boys are playing on the floor. As these things go, I don't...
+• Ted Haggard scandal.... this is so sad. For one thing, when it came out, I dismissed it. Not him. And to hear...
+Well, I made Toby stay awake last night until 10... made him skip his evening nap to my own hurt... and gained 5...
+Hola, bloggerati!I MISSED YOU! EVEN THAT HAIRY GUY!The fast was good... not really the explosive thing I was hoping for, but some steps...
+I will be fasting the internet until Weds morning 11/1 ... starting in a few minutes. So y'all feel free to fill this...
+I had a good day. And I laughed hard every time I read that blog. I still think it's funny. And a very...
+Top o the Mundee to ya...Thinking a little last night about "worst case scenario". What a load of bunk.People never say the real...
+Well, I didn't review this last week... in case anybody hadn't seen it yet.One Night With the King: 2 stars. For costumes.Really. The...
+Very sleepy this morning... Toby has a cough and did not want to sleep last night... ever.Just had an opening at the doctor's...
+You were only 15 when I first heard you singAnd I said, Girl, someday I'm gonna marry youWe were so young, just having...
+Thanks for the pix, Beth!SURPRISEHa! Leah threw a surprise party for me last night... fun fun fun... it was all girls at La...
+Well, after sleeping on it... I don't know. Those ultrasounds actually are funny.. one looks like a girl, one looks like a boy....
+Well, despite the hacker posing as me earlier.... I am just now reporting in.... with conflicting ultrasounds. But a feeling.... I am not...
+I have to scan in Richy's basketball picture.. so cute. His final "game" was Saturday. They had moonwalks and giant beach balls and...
+Just rolling right along here... funny how fast a pregnancy goes when you are too busy to think about it. I am definitely...
+PLEASE FORWARD THIS EMAIL ON TO OTHER INTERCESSORS!I am here in Washington, DC where 70 – 100 intercessors have been standing 24 hours...
+Last night, on my date... I went to the library... alone. Then I went to see Facing the Giants. I gotta tell you,...
+Happy Birthday, Kai... yesterday! It was a fast year...Man. Life has been a challenge lately. I am so tired and so grouchy... and...
+Well. Stubb's is a little heavier on the BAR than the b-cue.... but it was outdoors so it wasn't too bad... Recap? Well,...
+Typical. Awake at 7 this morning, because, you know. I have to be somewhere at 10. This infernal brain.I summoned Georgia, did you...
+Well, yesterday my insurance card came in the mail.... 25 days and approximately 10 phone calls later. Actually, two came. Whatever.So I have...
+Feeling much more human today.... sheesh. I have not been that sick in a LONG time. What misery. And what mommy would find...
+last night, around 7, me and the mister both started feeling queasy. By 9, I was fully engaged in the battle and then...
+One of Toby's new things is playing in his brother's room... he gets dropped off in there by me, and immediately goes to...
+Woke up this morning in a semi-panic, as the clock said it was after 10.... and I was missing my Monday Morning Mommy...
+Hi, You've reached Amerigroup, please listen carefully as *BOOP*. If you are a provider, press *BOOP*If you *BOOP*If *BOOP*Please wait as we transfer...
+The wireless signal here is SLOWER than dial up. Is God trying to develop patience, perseverance and proven character in me? Cause I...
+Yo. I have missed you peeps. Sorry the blog went down... blogger. pluh.Lots to report... morning sickness, giant new house, washing machine broken,...
+Well, this is it. Saying goodbye to Radiantville today... sheesh. And hello to the Battleship.... woo-hoo!Lots of nostalgia floating around the brain cavity......
+I seem to be good at it. At least, mild controversy. Understand, the comments I made about men and women and the word...
+Well, the offer is still out there. Perfectly good yet annoying Siamese kitten available. MamaPC is considering the offer...Yesterday, my very good type...
+When we got Sing-Sing... I was apprehensive. In my younger days, I was a cat person... I have evolved with age into a...
+Okay, so yesterday afternoon, the gents and Lentil and I went out. Soon, this will not be such an undertaking, because we will...
+Today, the radiants are recording. I am not very sick yet... I should cook some stuff and freeze it. And clean my house....