
Thursday, October 12, 2006

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Well, after sleeping on it... I don't know.
Those ultrasounds actually are funny.. one looks like a girl, one looks like a boy.
It really is too early to tell, though.

But you know what? When we found out Toby was a boy, for a split second I was sad. This girl expectation had built up, and I was a little disappointed. (By the time we walked to the car, I was happy) But this time, when we saw what appeared to be a "male anatomy"... I was just excited... either way, this is really fun to me.

Toby is crawling like a madman these days. Just figuratively, of course. I have never seen a madman crawl. Oh, well, maybe at Christ the King during the renewal 1994-ish... saw quite a bit those days. But I digress. He is crawling really fast and ocassionally bottoms out and face-plants. He is also pulling up and cruising on the furniture... and falling over A LOT. I think he needs a helmet. Or maybe a Valium. Or maybe that's me.

I don't know if any Reicherts read this blog... but if so, HAPPY birthday to Larry.

oh, and I am changing my backup blog in case of MORE blogger failures to Jessica's Auxilary
Bookmark it when you get there, folks. Google has bought Blogger and I won't be surprised if there is a MONSTER crash in the offing.

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