
Tuesday, September 26, 2006

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Well, yesterday my insurance card came in the mail.... 25 days and approximately 10 phone calls later. Actually, two came. Whatever.

So I have scheduled my interview tomorrow... wherein they interview me; and my first OB appointment October 11; wherein they do other things, including an ultrasound. Which is always exciting but especially because I will be like 13 or 14 weeks pregnant, and if this child is a male, I should be able to tell! (Girls, I have heard, tend to be more modest)
So, finally, eh?

Ended up not going to the memorial service... Tobias. He was threatening me with all out war. So, we stayed home. With the gorgeous weather and the windows open. I want to kiss this weather. It is so great.

By the way, since I am a jerk, I wished not a happy birthday to clam, nor a happy anniversary, nor a happy birthday to Servant. My bad. I love you guys and wish you TRIPLE happies.

Hey. Where is my sister? Geeeeeorgia. I need wit.

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