
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Her days are numbered...

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When we got Sing-Sing... I was apprehensive. In my younger days, I was a cat person... I have evolved with age into a general disliker-of-animalkind.
They're pretty and all. I just don't want them to touch me and so forth.
But SingSing won the hearts of the males around here and so, I tolerated her.

But she is a cat. A very cat. She chases everything and jumps out of corners and climbs on the table and knocks things down and goes on neurotic Siamese rampages where she runs at lightning speed all over the house.
She's a good cat. I just don't want a cat.
Now, with a 3rd baby coming and the emotions and all the changes.... I really don't want a cat.
So, Sing-Sing is available to a good home. She has her shots, except rabies.

Come on now. Somebody really wants this cat.

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