
Thursday, November 9, 2006

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Something about having Daddy home is making these children sleep in the mornings... nice. Of course, last night at 11:30 Toby was wired... climbing on us and laughing and rolling around and pinching and biting... very cute stuff. He was so offended when I put him in his bed and closed the door. He screamed.. like, mad screamed for approximately 1.5 minute before he was asleep... ha.

Doctor's appointment yesterday was uneventful... everything looks good. I start getting shots next week. But I will have to drive to her office for that instead of having a home nurse... and then drive home with my aching "lower hip"....
A big ultrasound scheduled for that day that will live in infamy... December 7th... so you will all be able to buy gender-appropriate Christmas presents for little Question Mark Clark.

Toby just shut the door to my bedroom and now he is very mad at whoever locked him in here...

Tonight is Bill's rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. I am so, so, SO happy for my friend... he has found Twu Wuv and this is going to be fun!

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