
Wednesday, November 8, 2006

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Welcome to years of liberal lunacy... what an election. Sheesh. At least Texas came out all right.

I have a doctor's appointment today, but not until 3:40... and no ultrasound. So not going to be very interesting. To y'all, anyway. Next week I start getting progesterone shots. Ouch. Owee ouch. But hey, that means I'm 4 months! Yay!

I am so glad to have my spice back... (definition: kinda like a spouse, only spicier) . In other marriage news, Britney Spears has filed for divorce. This is another one of those things... I know God hates divorce... but man, I wish that kid could get some freedom. Maybe it's the ex-youth pastor in me... I feel a lot of compassion for her, despite her Jezebellian tendencies.

Toby slept till 9 am today. Glorious.

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